Al Gore joins John Kerry for eternity in that distinguished group of failed presidential candidates.
STOCKHOLM, Sweden -- Former Vice President Al Gore said Wednesday he had no intention of ever running for president again.
"I have absolutely no plans and no expectations of ever being a candidate again," said Gore, who lost the 2000 election to President Bush.
However, Gore did not completely shut the door to political endeavors.
"I don't completely rule out some future interest, but I don't expect to have that," he said during a visit to Sweden.
It's a good thing that Gore has no expectations to become a candidate for president again.
He has no chance of being the Dem nominee. Zero. Zilch. Nada.
I guess he could run on some obscure third party ticket, but other than that, it's over for Gore.
The Associated Press writes:
[Gore] spoke to reporters after giving a speech at an economic forum in the Swedish capital.
He declined to comment on Hillary Clinton's possible run for the White House, but says he thinks America is ready for a woman as president.
First, what would Al Gore possibly have to offer at an economic forum in Stockholm?
I truly can't imagine.
I wonder how much he was paid to serve up his "brilliance," American elder statesman that he is.
Second, I think he's mum on Hillary's candidacy because he views her as the most formidable obstacle standing between him and the Oval Office.
I think that's delusional on his part, but I still think it's the case. By cozying up to the far Left radical fringe and echoing their extremist rhetoric, Gore committed political suicide. He marginalized himself long ago.
I sincerely hope Al is getting some counseling. I don't think he has come to terms with his fate and the 2000 election.
Poor Al.
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