Oct. 24: A man walks past the Sloppy Joe's Bar on a flooded Duval Street in downtown Key West, Fla.
FORT LAUDERDALE, Fla. -- Hurricane Wilma left a wide, messy swath of damage Monday as it sped across Florida with winds of more than 100 mph, shattering skyscraper windows, peeling off roofs and knocking out power to more than 6 million people from Key West to Daytona Beach.
State and local officials blamed at least five deaths on Wilma and insured damages were estimated in the billions.
Even storm-savvy Floridians found Wilma fearsome as it sliced through the middle of heavily populated South Florida. It was the worst hurricane to hit the Fort Lauderdale area since King in 1950, officials said.
The Category 3 hurricane littered the landscape with damaged signs, awnings, fences, billboards, roof tiles, pool screens, street lights and electrical lines. Felled trees dotted even expressways.
More than one-third of Key West flooded, cutting off the island, and there was scattered floodwater elsewhere.
In Fort Lauderdale, Miami and Miami Beach, high-rises had countless windows blown out. The Broward County Courthouse and the 14-story school board office complex looked like bombed-out buildings.
The damage from Hurricane Wilma is incredibly widespread, from Key West all the way up to Daytona. The extent of the death and devastation caused by the 2005 hurricane season is truly heartbreaking.
So many lives have been turned upside down by the storms. I sincerely pray that the victims find healing, comfort, and strength.
I am wondering when the media will report about the "toxic stew" flooding the streets, making much of Florida uninhabitable for at least six months.
When will the media report on the anarchy? Six million people without power and losses in the billions of dollars are sure to throw victims into a state of desperation.
I did see a report about a handful of looters.
I wonder when reports on all the rapes and murders will start coming in. And the cannibalism--when will the reports about cannibalism begin?
I hope Oprah shows up soon.
I noticed that the AP report says that the "Broward County Courthouse and the 14-story school board office complex looked like bombed-out buildings."
Did the U.S. government intentionally destroy those buildings? We know the government was behind the destruction of the levees in New Orleans. Well, we don't really know, but Louis Farrakhan has good reason to suspect that's what happened and he keeps promoting the theory.
Maybe the destruction all gets back to Bush being really cranky about the Rove thing and the DeLay thing and the Miers thing and the Republican "Culture of Corruption" thing. Maybe that's why Bush caused so much damage in Florida.
Maybe the President finally decided to take revenge on Florida for the 2000 election mess. Given that brother Jeb is the governor of the state, I don't know if that theory holds water.
Why would Bush put Florida in the crosshairs?
Are there a lot of blacks in the hurricane battered area? He doesn't care about black people. Kanye West said so.
Maybe the President targeted Florida as part of a vast conspiracy. Maybe George wanted to give Jeb an opportunity to look really good handling a crisis successfully, unlike the disastrous job done by Louisiana's Governor Blanco. It could all be part of a scheme to eventually get Jeb to be president. I hope the Dems hold hearings on this. Perhaps a special prosecutor should be assigned to investigate.
Whatever the REAL explanation is for the hurricane damage, Bush should be impeached.
Overall, I think the mainstream media have done a terrible job reporting on Wilma.
No rape.
No murder.
No cannibalism.
No Oprah.
The man in the photo is walking in ankle-deep water. Shouldn't Michelle Kosinski be down there paddling a canoe?
The media have really dropped the ball.
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