Harriet MIERS is President Bush's choice to fill the vacancy on the Supreme Court.
While looking around for reaction, I found this on the website of the Democratic National Committee:
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Conservatives Red-Faced Over Myers
A politically weak Bush couldn't pick a nominee that would appeal to the most extreme members of his right-wing base, who are up in arms. Read More...
Before getting to the substance of the Miers nomination, I had to point out this amusing blooper.
Now, if you click on the link to read more about Harriet "Myers," you will see that the website of the Democratic National Committee does manage to spell correctly the name of President Bush's nominee to replace Sandra Day O'Connor.
The Dems are drooling with excitement. That may account for the spelling error.
The Dems write:
Conservatives Red-Faced Over MiersThe jury is still out on Harriet Miers. There are a lot of obvious concerns; her lack of experience, cronyism, and of course her views on our basic freedoms.
But one thing that's already clear is that a politically weak Bush was unable to pick a nominee that would appeal to his extreme right-wing base. Already this morning conservatives are up in arms over the nomination.
From Confirm Them:
[Law professor Jonathan Turley] Just said on NBC that this is “an amazingly bad choice.”
He went on to say outright that Ms. Miers is unqualified. Ugh.
From The Corner:
After the Roberts pick conservatives swooned and said Bush doesn't care about "diversity"; it's only high qualifications that matter to this bold, let-the-chips-fall-where-they-may leader, etc., etc. Don't we have to take all that back now?
From RedState.org:
Me, the sources, everyone it seems was wrong. We've all heard the rumors, but not a one could believe the President would do that. Where is our Scalia/Thomas.
I think I'll let the President fight this battle himself, for now.
Drudge reports:
Harriet Miers gave cash contribution to the Democratic National Committee in 1988...
On a conference call held by the Federalist Society this morning, former RNC Chairman Ed Gillespie admitted sheepishly that Miers was a Democrat througout the 1980s...
HUMAN EVENTS: Harriet Miers contributed $250 to Clinton for President Committee on December 23, 1991, according to Federal Election Commission records. She did not contribute any money to the reelection of President Bush senior, who would face off against the Democrat Clinton in the 1992 presidential election. In 1988, Miers contributed $1,000 to the Democratic presidential primary campaign of then-Sen. Al Gore. At the time Vice President George H.W. Bush was in a Republican presidential primary fight with then-Sen. Dole and Kemp. She did not contribute to any of these Republicans...
From the Associated Press:
In 1988, Miers, then a lawyer in private practice, donated $1,000 to Gore, the Tennessee Democrat then seeking the party's presidential nomination, according to Federal Election Commission reports. Gore eventually bowed out and Michael Dukakis secured the nomination.
...Miers also gave $1,000 to another prominent Democrat _ Lloyd Bentsen, the longtime Texas senator who in 1988 ran for re-election and also was Dukakis' vice presidential choice on the Democratic ticket that year.
Bentsen won another term in the Senate, but the Republican ticket of George H. W. Bush and Dan Quayle defeated Dukakis and Bentsen.
Miers contributed $1,000 to the Democratic National Committee Services Corp. in 1988.
Another clear indication that Miers is a disastrous choice is that Senate minority leader Harry Reid has given her his initial approval.
Even foaming at the mouth Left-wing extremist groups, such as Naral, are subdued in their skepticism.
This all looks so bad for conservatives. Miers seems to be a worse choice than Souter!
When do you think the Dems will catch on that this is all part of the evil Bush plan?
This is all a VERY vast right-wing conspiracy, carefully orchestrated to include conservative columnists, publications, and blogs.
The most devious player in the conspiracy is Miers herself. I suspect that Miers made all those contributions years ago just to throw the Dems off balance. This woman, who has no judicial experience, was setting the stage for her eventual nomination to the Supreme Court of the United States.
It's all a set-up.
Unfortunately, some Dems are catching on to the Republican scheme already.
PamB writes:
I think the fact that Bush chose her, is suspect in itself! He does not choose anyone, who is not going to lock step with his ideas of changing this country to a Far Right Wing and Religious led philosophy. Anyone who thinks this woman is going to be an independent thinker and judge, is naive .............
Cue the Twilight Zone music.
For the sarcastically challenged: I'm kidding about this being a conspiracy.
I'm not happy with the nomination of Miers.
Disclaimer's disclaimer--
The disclaimer may be part of a VAST RIGHT-WING CONSPIRACY.
After a spell check--

"You say Myers and I say Miers...."
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