One would think that the answer would be that it's never socially acceptable to be racist.
That's not true.
THE ANSWER: It is socially acceptable for Leftists to employ racist comments and use derogatory racial imagery when referring to black conservatives.
Two recent examples illustrating this rule deal with doctored photos.
As reported by Michelle Malkin, and originally discovered by From The Pen, USA Today ran a doctored photo of Rice on October 19, 2005, with the article, "Rice won't rule out U.S. troops in Iraq in 10 years."

Her eyes look rather piercing, don't they?
Yesterday, after receiving complaints, USA Today pulled the doctored picture of the demonized Condi, replaced it with the original, and printed an explanation for the altered photo.
Editor's note: The photo of Condoleezza Rice that originally accompanied this story was altered in a manner that did not meet USA TODAY's editorial standards. The photo has been replaced by a properly adjusted copy. Photos published online are routinely cropped for size and adjusted for brightness and sharpness to optimize their appearance. In this case, after sharpening the photo for clarity, the editor brightened a portion of Rice's face, giving her eyes an unnatural appearance. This resulted in a distortion of the original not in keeping with our editorial standards.

Editorial standards? What editorial standards? Does USA Today operate under standards set by Michael Moore?
Clearly, that photo was not altered in order to "optimize its appearance." The editor has an agenda and it's not pro-Condi.
If a liberal African-American woman were given that sort of treatment to "optimize" her appearance, there would be an outcry. Shouts of racism would be echoing across the country. It would be the lead story on news broadcasts and plastered on the front pages of publications.
The fact is there is a sinister acceptance of racism when it's directed at conservatives.
I suppose Rice got off relatively easy this time. Only her eyes were photoshopped to make her look possessed by a demon. The USA Today editor managed to exercise enough control to stop before going any further and dressing her like Aunt Jemima.
If you recall, it was about a year ago when John Sylvester, the program director and morning personality on WTDY-AM in Madison, WI, called Rice an "Aunt Jemima," saying that she had only a subservient role in the Bush administration.
Of course, Sylvester is an idiot. He claimed, "[T]hey’re using her for an illusion of inclusion."
How did the Madison branch of the NAACP respond to this outrageousness? Linda Hoskins said she could not comment on Sylvester’s remarks until she had heard them in their entirety.
Right. Hoskins thought that he might have used the term in a flattering way. Sure.
For his part, Sylvester refused to apologize for his racist remarks. Instead, he planned a giveaway of Aunt Jemima pancake mix and syrup, adding, "I will apologize to Aunt Jemima."
This example is breathtaking in its racial insensitivity.
The News Blog has the following photo and story about Michael Steele:

I's Simple Sambo and I's running for the Big House
Steele Vows to Link Democrats, GOP
Lt. Governor Makes Senate Race Official
By Matthew Mosk
Washington Post Staff Writer
Wednesday, October 26, 2005; Page B09
Maryland Lt. Gov. Michael S. Steele formally launched his bid for U.S. Senate yesterday, standing on his own for the first time since a successful political partnership with Robert L. Ehrlich Jr. catapulted him to statewide office.
With Gov. Ehrlich (R) sitting in the front row and a crowd of supporters cheering in a Prince George's Community College field house, Steele kicked off what promises to be a bruising 2006 campaign for the seat being vacated by five-term Sen. Paul S. Sarbanes (D).
Steele delivered a rousing populist speech that never mentioned his Republican Party affiliation and appeared to take swipes at both parties, including the same Washington insiders who urged him to enter the race and financed his exploratory committee.
The first black to win statewide office in Maryland, Steele, 47, promised that he would make history again by being a bridge -- "a bridge of steel" -- between Democrats and Republicans, between Capitol Hill and Main Street.
"A bridge that not only brings both parties together but, more importantly, brings all of us closer to one another," he said.
Instead, Steele gave the first glimpse of the delicate line he will attempt to tread as he seeks to marshal support in a state where Democrats outnumber Republicans on voter rolls by a margin of nearly 2 to 1 and where a new poll shows President Bush's support among blacks at just 3 percent.
Republicans are seeing Steele as their best hope in years for a Senate seat. But even among Ehrlich loyalists, there were mixed views about Steele's ability to pull it off.
"He would need a perfect storm," said Richard E. Vatz, a professor at Towson University.
"An uphill battle," said Richard Hug, Ehrlich's chief fundraiser.
Ehrlich's people are already abandoning Simple Sambo.
And if he thinks he can win Baltimore and the DC suburbs, he's on crack. Black people will not only not vote for him, but regard him with contempt. When he said it was no big deal that Ehrlich held an event in a restricted country club, he showed himself to be Simple Sambo, untrustworthy and unreliable. Now, his bossman's people look like they're gonna let him sink, not swim.
When your boss's money people are laughing at you in print, well, Simple Sambo has a long way to go.
Wait? The 2 percent poll wasn't an outlier like so many people said? Wow. It would really suck to be facing a DC jury and working for the White House, wouldn't it?
I get the feeling the grand jury would have charged them with unicorn theft if they could.
This blog entry is one of the most despicable things I've read. It belongs on a Neo-Nazi site.
The blogger behind this entry is Steve Gilliard, an African-American. Apparently, because of his skin color, he believes that he has immunity to racially slur Steele. Because he is slurring a black conservative, liberals and African-American groups don't object.

Bill Bennett was called a racist and criticized for saying things that he didn't say. Dems rushed to the Senate floor to condemn him.
Louis Farrakhan gets to plant theories about the U.S. government bombing levees in New Orleans to flood black neighborhoods, with no loud complaints from the Dems or African-American leaders.
Kanye West spews anti-Bush, race-baiting comments on a live NBC telethon for Hurricane Katrina relief and the Leftist media praise him for speaking the truth.
Where is the condemnation for the racist attack on Steele?
Where is the condemnation for the repeated racial attacks on Rice?
Cue the crickets.
I guess it would be valid to say that Leftists don't care about black people. Make that CONSERVATIVE black people.
It sickens me that liberals are willing to accept the most disgusting racist attacks as long as conservatives are in the crosshairs. They'll rationalize anything if it furthers their agenda.
The depth of the hypocrisy of Leftists is truly jaw-dropping.
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