Who said that?
Of course, the possibilities are endless.
Dr. Dean
Jimmy Carter
John Kerry
Russ Feingold
Ted Kennedy
John Edwards
Harry Reid
Nancy Pelosi
Dick Durbin
Joe Biden
Jay Rockefeller
Hillary Clinton
Chuck Schumer
John Murtha
60 Minutes Staff
The New York Times Newsroom
Maureen Dowd
Paul Krugman
Frank Rich
Michael Moore
Cindy Sheehan
Al Franken
(I'll stop there. I'm starting to feel nauseous.)
Although all of these Americans have made that statement in some form, the specific quote goes to SADDAM HUSSEIN.

Al Jazeera (the Eastern bureau -- not the NBC, CBS, ABC, CNN, NPR outlets) writes:
Saddam Hussein has accused the White House of lying about his alleged stockpiles of chemical weapons as well as the claim that he was tortured in US custody.
Speaking on Thursday at the start of the seventh session of his trial on charges of crimes against humanity, the former Iraqi president rekindled his battle of words with Washington.
"Zionists and Americans, I mean officials, hate Saddam Hussein," Saddam said. "The man in the White House is a liar. He said there are chemical weapons in Iraq.
"He later said that, 'We did not find anything in Iraq'."
Referring to a White House statement that his claims that he had been tortured were preposterous, Saddam said: "They lied again when they said that what Saddam said was wrong."
On Wednesday, Saddam accused the Americans of beating him in custody and said he had the bruises to prove it.
Saddam said: "I had my injuries documented by three American [medical] teams." He did not say where or when he was allegedly beaten.
This must be playing well in the enlightened liberal elite circles. Saddam is an ally.
We know Dan Rather is his personal buddy.
Saddam sounds just like someone on the radical Left.
Would distinguished ex-President Carter argue with Saddam's comment that Bush is a liar? Would any of the people I cited?
NO. They've all been saying the same thing.
The question: Has Saddam taken his cues from the American Left, or has the American Left taken cues from Saddam?
In the end, the answer is irrelevant. They're on the same page.
The things that Saddam is saying in order to garner support from his backers, insurgents, and assorted terrorists, the ones that kill innocent civilians and our troops, is what American libs are saying.
Isn't that nice?
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