It's time for Americans, particularly elected officials and members of the media, to quit playing games with our national security.
While the 9/11 attacks were a watershed for some of us, for others they appear to be ancient history. Apparently, these individuals have repressed that day and those acts of war against the United States.
In the aftermath of 9/11, why was the Patriot Act passed nearly unanimously?
Simple. We were blind-sided. Through the loss of three thousand precious lives, we saw our vulnerability.
A network of fanatics hiding out in caves managed to devastate the most powerful nation in the world and slaughter thousands of innocent people. The horror of 9/11 demanded dramatic measures.
I think the government responded appropriately. Only one Senator failed to act in the best interests of the American people -- Russ "I'm a maverick, let me be President" Feingold.
Now, four years later, others have joined in the recklessness of Russ.
WASHINGTON (AP) -- The Senate on Wednesday passed a six-month extension of the terror- fighting USA Patriot Act as a last resort after Democrats and a small group of GOP senators blocked President Bush and Republican congressional leaders' attempt to make most of the anti-terrorism law permanent. Approval of the six-month extension came on a voice vote, and cleared the way for a final vote in the House possibly as early as Thursday. Sixteen provisions in the current law expire Dec. 31 unless the Congress and White House acts.
Patriot Act critics said White House-pushed legislation did not provide enough civil liberty safeguards and blocked the Republican- controlled Senate from approving it last week.
H. R. 3162 was enacted "to deter and punish terrorist acts in the United States and around the world, to enhance law enforcement investigatory tools, and for other purposes."
Note: The Patriot Act is about dealing with TERRORISTS, not harassing law-abiding Americans.
It's about protecting the civil liberties of innocents, not stripping them.
It's about upholding our freedoms and our way of life, something that the TERRORISTS seek to destroy.
The Patriot Act is directed at our ENEMIES, the ones that ripped apart thousands of lives.
It's not some devious scheme to violate the privacy of Americans.
Other than Feingold, every senator casting a vote recognized the necessity of giving government officials the tools necessary to effectively combat terrorism.
What's changed?
Is terrorism less of a threat today than it was in 2001?
Listening to the Dems and their lib counterparts in the MSM, one is led to believe that we are in more danger now than ever.
Nevertheless, the very same people that claim that "Bush's war" has made Americans less safe by swelling the ranks of terrorists are the ones calling for the elimination or weakening of the country's ability to fight terrorism.
That's irrational.
The six-month "extension ensures that the tools provided to law enforcement in terrorist investigations in the Patriot Act remain in effect while Congress works out the few differences that remain," said Sen. John Sununu, R-N.H., one of a small group of Republicans who crossed party lines to block the Patriot Act legislation.
While I am thankful that the Patriot Act will not expire as we ring in the New Year, this extension stuff is a joke.
It should never have gotten to this point. Republicans are in the majority. They could have sent the terrorists an unequivocal message that America is not weak.
Instead, the Dems and RINOs revealed that there is a limp faction in the government, a willingness to allow Americans to be victimized.
"This will allow more time to finally agree on a bill that protects our rights and freedoms while preserving important tools for fighting terrorism," added Sen. Russ Feingold, D-Wis., who was the only senator to vote against the original Patriot Act in 2001.
Let me translate Feingold's statement:
"This will allow me more air time on the cable channels and Sunday news programs. It will give me greater exposure and set me up as a major player in 2008. This will be an important tool in preserving my position as a mainstream media darling. Barbra Streisand might invite me to her estate."
Despite insisting earlier that a short-term extension of the Patriot Act would not be acceptable, Bush seemed to indicate in a late-night statement that he would sign it.
Why would Bush sign it even though he considers a short-term extension unacceptable?
It's not because he's weak and appeasing the Dems. It's not because he has to kowtow to the RINOs. It has nothing to do with his poll numbers.
Bush will sign the extension because he will not allow Americans to be put at risk. Letting the Patriot Act expire would do precisely that. Therefore, he will compromise because of his committment to do all he can to not give the terrorists an opportunity to kill here again.
Unlike the Dems and the RINOs, President Bush refuses to play politics by sacrificing the security of the American people.
Thanks to his resolve, there has not been a terrorist attack on American soil since September 11, 2001.
This certainly isn't because the terrorists have had a change of heart. It's because officials and agencies are working tirelessly to avert another disaster.
The liberals, (meaning the radical Left Dems and the fake Republicans), need to stop putting Americans at risk by undercutting the government's efforts to prevent the type of bloodshed we witnessed on that Tuesday in September, four years ago.
Suggesting that the Bush Administration is evil and wants to abuse its power by spying on Americans is insane. It is the byproduct of an irrational, liberal mindset.
It is imperative to put national security ahead of politics. Case closed.
Dems and RINOs must remember that they are infidels, too. Their children and grandchildren are the terrorists' targets. They should keep that in mind when this six-month extension is on the verge of running out.
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