The Dems continue to demonize Dick Cheney and Tom DeLay in order to fill campaign coffers.
Today, John Kerry put his own fundraising aside to make an appeal for Dem congressional candidates.
In an e-mail, Kerry wrote:
Today, two men and half the Republican Party's troubles are appearing side by side in Texas.
Vice President Dick Cheney is traveling all the way to the Lone Star state to help bail out Tom DeLay by appearing at the embattled Republican leader's fundraiser.
I guess you could say DeLay is Dick Cheney's kind of Republican: abusive, arrogant, and out of control.
Huh? Abusive, arrogant, and out of control?
That's just weird.
It would be almost laughable were it not for the dangerous ideas they believe in, the outrageous conduct they condone, and the power they wield.
2006 is about taking that power out of their hands. So, today, Keeping America's Promise, the political action committee I helped found is asking you to take two critical actions.
As Cheney raises money to help Tom DeLay's campaign, help rush contributions to Nick Lampson, the tough, committed Democrat who is running to unseat DeLay. And consider helping Jill Derby in Nevada and Chris Carney in Pennsylvania - two other candidates in closely fought districts where DeLay money helped Republicans win in 2004.
Make a contribution to stop the DeLay money machine
But, in addition to direct candidate support, it's essential that you help in another way as well. Help make sure no Democrat stands alone against the underhanded tactics that Cheney and DeLay specialize in.
That sounds a little extreme, doesn't it?
Kerry does tend to be overly dramatic.
We know what Republicans like Cheney and DeLay do when their backs are to the wall. They come out swinging with baseless charges and scorched earth political tactics.
Every time they try it in 2006, we've got to respond - quickly, effectively and in force. Democrats didn't let them get away with swift boat-style attacks on Jack Murtha. And we won't let them get away with that kind of attack on any other Democratic candidate in 2006.
By swift-boat style attacks, is Kerry referring to individuals exercising their right to free speech?
This is a tired, old tactic. When the Dems are faced with a reality that puts them in a negative light, they scream about underhanded attacks.
Is the truth underhanded?
When our candidates face the kind of underhanded tactics that DeLay and Cheney specialize in, they need more than our moral support. They need us to come to their aid in immediate, concrete ways.
Concrete = $$$
You can act right now to help launch the 2006 Fight Back Fund.
Make a contribution to stop the DeLay money machine
Moments after the Republican Party or its allies come after one of our candidates, we'll be there. If it takes radio and newspaper ads in Republicans' home districts, we'll run those ads. If it takes flooding the congressional district with mailings and phone calls to set the record straight, that's what we'll do.
If it takes mobilizing national political figures to stand with our candidates, we'll organize that support. If it takes our entire grassroots community rushing to a candidate's side, we'll do that too.
But, here's the key. The Fight Back Fund has to be ready to act at a moment's notice. And you can help right now by providing the seed money to set our Fight Back Fund in motion.
Make a contribution to stop the DeLay money machine
Let Dick Cheney and Tom DeLay stand side by side in Texas today. There are only two of them - and there are millions of us. And today, we're sending them a powerful message: get out of our way. We've come to take our country back - and your mean-spirited, underhanded style of politics can't stop us.
"Get out of our way."
That's pretty funny. Kerry, the bully. Kerry, the tough guy.
I don't know. That image doesn't fit. I picture him getting a manicure, and maybe a chemical peel.
Anyway, it's ridiculous to suggest that "there are only two of them." Millions and millions of Americans support DeLay and Cheney.
Speaking of a mean-spirited, underhanded style of politics, Kerry and his cohorts should not be casting stones.
We're really counting on your help.
John Kerry
P.S. Lots of Republican incumbents have filled their campaign coffers with donations from the DeLay money machine. You can help the Fight Back Fund even the odds. Please act right now.
Check out the four donation options and the profiles of the three candidates that the Fight Back Fund aims to benefit.
Nick Lampson (TX-22)
Nick Lampson is taking on Republican corruption and cronyism at its source - he's running against Tom DeLay. Help Nick return integrity to the House of Representatives by defeating DeLay.
KAP 2006 Fight Back Fund
Help seed Keeping America's Promise's 2006 Fight Back Fund. Help us respond immediately to Republicans' baseless charges and swift boat-style attacks on Democratic candidates in 2006.
Jill Derby (NV-2)
Jill Derby is running to restore balance in Washington and clean up the culture of corruption that has permeated the GOP-controlled Congress. The seat is an essential win for Democrats.
Chris Carney (PA-10)
Chris Carney, a counterterrorism expert and naval reservist, is challenging Rep. Don Sherwood (R-PA). Sherwood has taken nearly $15,000 from Tom DeLay and voted with DeLay 95% of the time.
Notice how little emphasis is placed on the merits and attributes of the Dem candidates.
Instead, contributions are being sought to fight the "culture of corruption," "Tom DeLay," "cronyism," and "swift-boat style attacks," all terms that fire up the Dem base.
It's not a very positive appeal. In fact, I think it's rather mean-spirited.
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