John Kerry sent me an urgent message today. No, it wasn't a retraction or an explanation to spin his way out of taking responsibility for the horrible statements about our troops that he made on Face the Nation.
Kerry was asking for more money. Again, he referred to Dick Cheney and Tom DeLay appearing together at a fundraiser in Texas.
Kerry wrote:
...The Republican Party and its candidates are getting more desperate by the moment. They can feel the power slipping out of their hands. Their record of failure, incompetence and corruption has worn out their welcome with the American people.
And we know what kind of tactics the DeLay-Cheney Republicans use when they have their backs to the wall. That's why our Fight Back Fund has to be ready at a moment's notice.
We've got to tell Democratic candidates that they will never stand alone when Rove-like Republican operatives or Swift Boat-style attack groups come charging into their campaigns.
Yesterday, we added to a very bad day for Tom DeLay. He learned that a judge refused to dismiss serious money laundering charges against him. And we refused to let Cheney's fundraising bailout of DeLay go unanswered.
Let's keep the pressure on. Donate now to the Fight Back Fund so that we can be ready at a moment's notice to take them on.
John Kerry
The only ones exhibiting signs of desperation are the Dems.
The power is out of their hands and they are highly unlikely to get it back if they keep slandering the troops and demeaning their cause and bolstering our enemies.
John Kerry and Howard Dean are revealing the tip of the iceberg of the Dem insanity.
Kerry keeps blathering about "Swift-Boat style attacks," and mean-spirited, underhanded tactics.
It disgusts me that Kerry would send out a fundraising e-mail rather than an apology for telling lies about American soldiers.
Furthermore, it disgusts me that Dems have not issued statements today condemning Kerry for his UNPATRIOTIC lies.
Whenever Kerry brings up the Swift-Boat Vets, this exchange from October 2004, comes to mind. I know that I bring this up often, but it's seared in my memory, like when Kerry spent that Christmas in Cambodia.

O‘DONNELL: I just hate the lies of John O‘Neill.
O‘DONNELL: I hate lies.
BUCHANAN: I know. Now, you‘ve argued that these are lies, but let me suggest...
O‘DONNELL: It‘s not an argument. They‘re proven lies. Every single journalistic look at this book has ripped it apart, left it in shreds. O‘Neill is a liar. He‘s been a liar for 35 years about this. And he found other liars to...
BUCHANAN: Why cannot John Kerry‘s band of brothers and Max Cleland come on and take this...
O‘DONNELL: They have come on. They have told you. Every single person who served with John Kerry...
BUCHANAN: I‘ve gone through every single incident.
O‘DONNELL: O‘Neill never served with them, never met them until Vietnam. Everybody who was on that boat with Kerry says all of this stuff is a lie.
BUCHANAN: Why have none of them signed the sworn affidavits that admirals and others have signed?
O‘DONNELL: Those affidavits have no legal meaning. They are fraudulent.
BUCHANAN: They‘re fraudulent? Twenty people got up and lied and signed their name to it?
O‘DONNELL: Because some of those people have signed their names to reports that say John Kerry‘s conduct in Vietnam was exemplary, reports written at the time. You can‘t sign both documents. They are lying somewhere.
O‘NEILL: Can I say one thing?
BUCHANAN: John O‘Neill, go ahead, John.
O‘NEILL: Pat, Mr. O‘Donnell has certainly shown he has a good pair of lungs.
But to try and return a little bit to just basic information, you asked the question, how do we know the report was written by Kerry? The first way we know that is that the other four officers that day, all four of them, say Kerry wrote it.
The second way we know it is the journalist Tom Lipscomb tracked the report to a Coast Guard cutter and proved that the only one on the cutter to write the report was John Kerry. Third, the report is compatible with John Kerry‘s account, which as late as the Democratic Convention.
O‘DONNELL: What are the initials on the report?
BUCHANAN: Let him finish.
O‘NEILL: Mr. O‘Donnell, this is what you all did to the POWs.
O‘DONNELL: Just tell me the initials, you liar.
O‘NEILL: You‘re afraid of the American people getting the truth.
That‘s why you scream and you yell.
O‘DONNELL: Creepy liar.
BUCHANAN: Hey, listen, we don‘t need the personal insults to you.
O‘DONNELL: Does that matter to you? They‘re not his initials? Does that matter to you at all?
O‘NEILL: You‘re totally afraid of the truth. Can I speak or you‘re going to yell...
O‘DONNELL: ... liar who makes things up.
O'Donnell had a complete breakdown on live TV!
The Dems and their media allies are truly embarrassing.
Equally embarrassing is the Chairman of the Democratic Party, the dishonorable Dr. Howard Dean.
RNC Chairman Ken Mehlman was interviewed on WOAI-AM, the same radio station in San Antonio where Dean broadcasted to our troops and their families, to the Iraqis, and to our enemies that "the "idea that we're going to win the war in Iraq is an idea which is just plain wrong."
Excerpts of Mehlman's response to Dean's defeatist remarks--
Host: "Now I'm sure that you're aware by now because it's been everywhere, that we had an interview yesterday with Howard Dean, the, your counterpart over there at the Democratic National Committee, and he said some things that are lightning rod stuff. Some would call them even more than that. Without getting too graphic about the details and what he did, but what he said was basically this is the new Vietnam where we had 25,000 lives lost in a lost cause. He called Iraq a lost war. We can't win there. What is your response immediately hearing those comments?"
Ken Mehlman: "It's fairly extraordinary. I can't remember any time in history where the leader of a national party, one of our 2 national parties, predicted that America would lose a war we were engaged in. I think it sends the wrong message to our troops, the wrong message to the enemy, the wrong message to the Iraqi people just 10 days before the election."
"...You think about it, this isn't anything new. Just this past weekend on Sunday, John Kerry talked about American troops engaged in terroristic and other activity, terrorizing kids and children. He talked about we've already seen Nancy Pelosi embrace a retreat and defeat strategy...you have the Democratic nominee in '04, Democratic national chairman, lead Democrat in the House, have all now come out embrace a retreat and defeat strategy while our country is at war."
Host: "Well I actually asked him about that. I mean, I think that Murtha is the one that started it. Nancy Pelosi is now agreeing with it, that we should have these troops, and they're using the word redeployed within 6 months. Howard Dean won't go there. He says he wants it to happen within 2 years. So, if anything, the Democrats seem to be undecided about, you know, about agreeing on a time frame here. And do you think that it's wrong from its get-go to have any sort of a time frame at all or should there be?"
Ken Mehlman: "...here's why a time frame is a mistake.... If you tell the enemy when you're going to stop fighting, then the enemy knows when it needs to hold out (UI). If you want the Iraqi people to risk their lives, run for office (UI) vote in this election (UI) 10 days and do the things they're doing, if they know that after a given period, they're going to be abandoned to Zarqawi, they're much less likely to do it. You want the enemy to understand that there is no alternative but to air their grievances at the political process, then obviously, again, giving them a time frame is a mistake. Imagine if we had said to Hitler in 1942 that in 2 years we're going to pull out of Europe. Hitler would not have been, would not have ended his war. Hitler would not have surrendered. Germany would not have surrendered."
"It is always a mistake when you're fighting an implacable foe tell them the point at which you're going to stop fighting."
Mehlman also appeared today on CNN with Wolf Blitzer, making many of the same points about Dean, Kerry, and timetables.
A little while after the interview, Blitzer came back from a commercial break with this bit of news:
BLITZER: Getting a quick reaction to my interview only in the past few minutes with the chairman of the Republican Party, Ken Mehlman, who took a strong swipe at John Kerry for comments he made on "Face the Nation" with Bob Schieffer this past Sunday.
David Wade, a spokesman for John Kerry, just sent this over, a statement saying, "Ken Mehlman's filthy and shameful lie about a decorated combat veteran is disgraceful. Political hack Ken Mehlman and draft-dodging doughnut-eating Rush Limbaugh have something in common. Neither of them know anything about how to make American troops safe. John Kerry will continue to speak out about how to succeed in Iraq and protect brave American troops."
Wade is obviously as desperate as Kerry and Dean. His hissy fit is akin to Lawrence O'Donnell's meltdown on Hardball a year ago.
Just as O'Donnell yelled that John O'Neill was a "creepy liar," Wade lost control.
Calling Mehlman a "political hack" and referring to Limbaugh as "draft-dodging" and "doughnut-eating" is goofy. Wade sounds like a bully on the playground rather than the spokesman for a U.S. Senator and failed Presidential candidate.
Most importantly, Wade didn't retract Kerry's ugly words. He just threw out insults.
A question: What's wrong with eating doughnuts?
Another question: Would Wade call Clinton a "draft-dodger"?
The Dems' "doughnut-eating" style attacks may backfire on them, prompting Americans to contribute to the Republican Party.
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