U.S. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, wears a scarf inside Ommayad Mosque during her tour at a popular market in downtown Damascus, Syria, Tuesday April 3, 2007. (AP Photo/Hussein Malla)
Against White House objections, Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi arrived in Syria today. She will be meeting with terrorist President Bashar Assad tomorrow.
Pelosi completely brushed off the requests from the White House. She's sort of acting like Jesse Jackson, engaging in his own unofficial diplomacy. (Remember when Jackson went to Venezuela to get cozy with Hugo Chavez?)
The difference between Pelosi and Jackson is obvious. She does hold elected office. She isn't a private citizen pretending to act on behalf of the country. She has some legitimacy, which makes her behavior exceedingly more reckless and irresponsible.
Message to Pelosi: YOU'RE NOT THE PRESIDENT.
This morning at his news conference, President Bush was asked about Pelosi's stunt.
JENNIFER LOVEN: Thank you, sir. You agreed to talk to Syria in the context of --
JENNIFER LOVEN: You've agreed to talk to Syria in the context of the international conferences on Iraq. What's so different or wrong about Speaker Pelosi having her own meetings there? And are you worried that she might be preempting your own efforts?
THE PRESIDENT: We have made it clear to high-ranking officials, whether they be Republicans or Democrats, that going to Syria sends mixed signals -- signals in the region and, of course, mixed signals to President Assad. And by that, I mean, photo opportunities and/or meetings with President Assad lead the Assad government to believe they're part of the mainstream of the international community, when, in fact, they're a state sponsor of terror; when, in fact, they're helping expedite -- or at least not stopping the movement of foreign fighters from Syria into Iraq; when, in fact, they have done little to nothing to rein in militant Hamas and Hezbollah; and when, in fact, they destabilize the Lebanese democracy.
There have been a lot of people who have gone to see President Assad -- some Americans, but a lot of European leaders and high-ranking officials. And yet we haven't seen action. In other words, he hasn't responded. It's one thing to send a message; it's another thing to have the person receiving the message actually do something. So the position of this administration is that the best way to meet with a leader like Assad or people from Syria is in the larger context of trying to get the global community to help change his behavior. But sending delegations hasn't worked. It's just simply been counterproductive.
I agree completely.
Pelosi is sending mixed signals. Once again, she and the Dems are playing into the hands of the terrorists.
They are putting their political futures ahead of the good of the nation.
Message to Pelosi: YOU'RE NOT THE PRESIDENT.
Pelosi doesn't seem to know this.
She's letting criticism of her trip to cozy up to terrorist Assad slide off her like water off a duck's back (or water off her surgically taut skin.)

U.S. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) shakes hands with Syrian Foreign Minister Walid al-Moualem at her arrival to Damascus airport April 3, 2007. (Khaled al-Hariri/Reuters)
DAMASCUS, Syria -- House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (news, bio, voting record) toured Damascus on Tuesday, the highest-ranking American politician to visit Syria since relations began to deteriorate four years ago. President Bush criticized the trip, saying it sends mixed signals to President Bashar Assad.
...Pelosi, D-Calif., is scheduled to meet Assad and other Syrian officials on Wednesday. She made no comment on arrival and headed for the Old City of Damascus where she toured the 8th-century Omayyad Mosque.
Pelosi draped a scarf over her head as she entered the historic mosque and stopped at a tomb inside the mosque said to contain the head of St. John the Baptist. She made the sign of the cross in front of the tomb. About 10 percent of Syria's 18 million people are Christian.
In the nearby outdoor Bazouriyeh market, she chatted with Syrians, who offered her dates, in front of shops selling olive oil soaps, spices and herbs. At one point, she bought some coconut sweets and looked at Syrian carpets.
The Syrians adore Nancy!
Dates! That's big stuff, the stuff of paradise!
...Pelosi has shrugged off the [White House] criticism, pointing out that Republican members of Congress have also visited Syria. During a visit to neighboring Lebanon Monday, she said she considers the visits to be an "excellent idea" and was hopeful of rebuilding lost confidence between Washington and Damascus.
"We have no illusions but we have great hope," she said.
Syria treated the visit as a diplomatic victory. State-run newspapers published news of Pelosi's trip on their front pages, with one daily publishing a photograph of Pelosi next to the headline: "Welcome Dialogue."
Did you get that?
...In Israel, Pelosi said she would tell Syrian leaders that Israel will talk peace with them only if Syria stops supporting Palestinian militants. She has said she will also talk to the Syrians about Iraq, their role in neighboring Lebanon and their support for Lebanon's Hezbollah militants.
Pelosi is overstepping her authority.
This isn't just a visit to Syria.
She plans to engage in discussions with leaders.
That's crossing a line. It's inappropriate and a disgusting power grab on her part.
Can you imagine what Madame Pelosi will say to the Syrians about Iraq?
What will she say about President Bush's policy?
She obviously doesn't agree with it.
Talk about mixed signals!
What are we learning from Pelosi's Terrorist-palooza Tour?
The Dems are trying to stage a coup and strip the President of his power.
The Dems are weak on terror.
The Dems want to weaken America.
The Dems are making the United States vulnerable.
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