Even though Tommy Thompson barely registers a blip on the 2008 presidential radar screen, George Stephanopoulos gave the former Wisconsin governor and former Secretary of Health and Human Services a moment in the national spotlight this morning.
Watch the interview here.
Thompson wants to run as the genuine Republican. He believes Republicans have lost their way and he wants to change that. He wants to be the candidate of change.
He says he feels "very optimistic" about his chances, citing his place in the polls in Iowa.
Thompson repeatedly referred to Iowa, saying that he has been in Iowa "every week" since December. He clearly is putting all his eggs in the Iowa basket, hoping to make a good showing there and gain some momentum. Again and again, he tried to connect with the people of Iowa.
So, why is Thompson optimisitic in spite of the fact that nationally he places at 1% or 2% in polls?
In Iowa, he's in fifth place with a whopping 5%.
I'm sorry, but I see no reason for optimism.
It's almost embarrassing to tout that 5% as something positive.
(Exact quotes follow. Don't blame me for stilted grammar.)
Steph asked, "How would President Thompson be different from President Bush?"
Thompson replied, "Oh, tremendously. I mean, first off, I would have a completely different Iraq strategy. I would demand the al-Maliki government first to vote as to whether or not they want the United States in their country. Nobody's ever asked that government, duly elected, to vote. And if they vote that they want United States in their county it immediately gives a degree of legitimacy..."
Steph interrupted, "Most polls show that they won't; and if they voted no America would leave?"
Thompson said, "We would get out. Absolutely. It's a duly elected government."
Calling Iraq a civil war, he said, "If the government duly elects that says we want the American troops, the American government out, we should leave. But I do not believe that. I believe they will vote that they should stay in there and that will give a degree of legitimacy to a United States for being there."
Regarding Alberto Gonzales, Thompson said that he would not have appointed him. He said he wouldn't have "made that mistake."
Thompson went on to bash Gonzales.
Then, he explained why he is the "only reliable conservative" among the current field of Republican candidates.
Thompson said they're good people, but they're not coming up with original ideas and plans.
Yes, Thompson believes he's the man with the plans.
He's a good guy, too.
But being at only 5% in Iowa polls, I think he'll have to be in Iowa more than every week if he hopes to get into double digits.
I think he may have to start personally going door to door to sell his ideas to Iowans.
At the end of the interview after Steph thanked Thompson for being on the show, Thompson said, "Thank you very much, George. And good luck to you."
Thompson is the one that will need good luck. I think he'll need a miracle.
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