They absolutely love the guy. I think they love him because they love socialism. They're kindred spirits.
Also, they love the way Chavez rips Bush. Ahmadinejad pals around with Chavez because he relates to his hatred for the American president. I think he follows that Arabian proverb -- The enemy of my enemy is my friend.
Here's Hugo with some of his buddies:

Danny Glover and Hugo are joined at the hip. (Where might their other hands be?)
Hugo considers Jesse Jackson to be a representative of the American government. Jesse thinks he is.

Mahmoud Ahmadinejad and Hugo feel the love.

Cindy Sheehan and Hugo get cozy.

Hugo and Harry Belafonte sing "The Banana Boat Song."
Chavez can add a new friend to his list of rich and famous (or washed up and irrelevant) allies -- diplomat/ journalist/ activist Sean Penn.
CARACAS, Venezuela -- Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez has praised Sean Penn for his critical stance against the war in Iraq, saying the two chatted by phone and soon plan to meet in person.
(Note: They met at Miraflores Palace in Caracas on Thursday, August 2.)
Chavez said Penn traveled to Venezuela this week wanting to learn more about the situation in the country and walked around some of Caracas' poor barrios on his own.
"Welcome to Venezuela, Mr. Penn. What drives him is consciousness, the search for new paths," Chavez said Wednesday in a televised speech. "He's one of the greatest opponents of the Iraq invasion."
Chavez read aloud from a recent open letter by Penn to President Bush in which the actor condemned the Iraq war and called for Bush to be impeached, saying the president along with Vice President Dick Cheney and Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice are "villainously and criminally obscene people."
The socialist president, who shares those views, said he and Penn talked by phone — "with my bad English but we understood each other more or less."
Isn't that sweet?
There are no language barriers when it comes to speaking the language of hate for Bush, Cheney, and Rice.
Look at the pictures above. I think Chavez needs to work with a stylist. All those red shirts are so boring. I'm sure he wears red for the symbolic reason but he really should try something more flattering. Perhaps some earth tones, or at least a softer shade of red.
I wouldn't say that Penn is doing an impression of Hanoi Jane cavorting with the enemy, but it's not good to hang out with Chavez.
Chavez is an idiot. He acts like a child. He's like a schoolyard bully, with his name-calling and taunts.
Some examples:
"You are a donkey, Mr. Bush. You're an alcoholic Mr. Danger, or rather, you're a drunkard."
"The U.S. empire is defeated in Iraq, they just don't want to admit it. Mr. Donkey thought they were going to be received as heroes."
"The imperialist, genocidal, fascist attitude of the U.S. president has no limits. I think Hitler would be like a suckling baby next to George W. Bush."
Very nice.
Like it or not, Bush was elected President of the United States. He is the duly elected leader of the country.
As an American, (and as far as I know Penn still is an American), it's a mistake for him to legitimize someone like Chavez.
Going to Venezuela to denounce his own government in such a public fashion and with such fanfare is disgraceful.
CARACAS, Venezuela (AP) -- Hollywood star Sean Penn applauded President Hugo Chavez as the Venezuelan leader lambasted the Bush administration and demanded an end to war in Iraq.
Hugo gives Sean Penn some pointers.
Chavez met privately with Penn for two hours Thursday, praising the actor as "brave" for urging Americans to impeach President Bush.
"In the name of the peoples of the world, President Bush, withdraw the troops from Iraq. Enough already with so much genocide," Chavez said before an auditorium packed with his red-clad supporters.
Penn sat near the front, at times applauding and nodding in agreement. He is the latest in a series of celebrities who have visited Caracas, including actor Danny Glover and singer Harry Belafonte.
Chavez said he and Penn discussed the question of "why the (U.S.) empire attacks Chavez so much," saying Venezuela's oil wealth is a key reason.
He also said Washington is "afraid that the people of the United States will learn the real truth" about the situation in Venezuela, citing his social programs for the poor.
"If the people of the United States, those millions and millions of poor people ... if that nation realizes what is truly happening here, there would be a revolution in the United States," Chavez said, eliciting applause from Penn.
Some possible explanations for Penn's behavior:
1. Penn is too stupid to realize that he's being exploited by Chavez.
2. Penn is stupid enough to allow himself to be used by Chavez, earning himself the nickname "Caracas Sean."
3. Penn is suffering from full-blown Bush Derangement Syndrome.(As defined by Charles Krauthammer -- Bush Derangement Syndrome is the acute onset of paranoia in otherwise normal people in reaction to the policies, the presidency -- nay -- the very existence of George W. Bush.
4. Penn is simply a media whore, like so many of Hugo's other buddies and Hugo himself.
Alone, Penn is nothing more than an irrelevant nut.
The thing is he's not alone. He is representative of many like-minded nuts out there working to weaken the country.
Penn is serving his ego, but he's doing a disservice to the United States.

Hugo flips the bird.
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