Democratic presidential candidate U.S. Senator Hillary Clinton (D-NY) is seen before a Democratic candidates' debate at Drexel University in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania October 30, 2007. REUTERS/Larry Downing (UNITED STATES)
So I tune in to the Dem presidential debate tonight, and Hillary Clinton is talking.
She says that in a perverse way the Republicans are obsessed with her.
Good grief.
She's talking about how experienced she is.
She's rolling her eyes. She looks pissed, like she wants to throw a lamp.
Now Barack Obama is talking.
He said Republicans are obsessed with Hillary because it's the fight they want to have. He said the last thing we need is to revisit the 90s and have eight more years of bickering.
Now John Edwards is yapping. He says Hillary is the status quo candidate. He says he believes in Santa Claus and the tooth fairy but he doesn't believe that Hillary can deliver change.
Tim Russert gave Hillary a chance to respond. She said that she she thinks we were making progress in the 1990s and then, unfortunately, the Supreme Court handed the presidency to George Bush.
Bill Richardson is now sucking up to Hillary. He's chastising Obama and Edwards for personally attacking her. He wants to be her VP.
Joe Biden sounded drunk and he looked drunk. He blasted Rudy Giuliani. He said that he's the least qualified person running for president since George W. Bush. Biden said that Giuliani has three things in every sentence -- a noun, a verb, and 9/11.
Dennis Kucinich said it's time to act on his bill and move to impeachment. Kucinich is not a top tier candidate by any stretch but he's on stage as a Dem presidential candidate and he's talking about impeaching Bush. What a loon!
Brian Williams is trying to act like this debate is serious, serious business. By the way, he's hosting Saturday Night Live this weekend.
Sen. Hillary Clinton came under a gang assault Tuesday night from the rest of the Democratic presidential field, led by her closest rival, who was closely studying the playbook of the master — Clinton’s husband, the former president.
"A gang assault" -- very dramatic.
During the "lightning round," with a 30 second clock ticking down game show-style, the candidates kept going over their allotted time. Williams tried to get them to stop but they wouldn't.
I recommend that an orchestra, like at awards shows, be used to play over the candidates to get them to shut up.
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