Friday, October 26, 2007

Judy Robson Plays the Gender Card

Posted by Greg at WisPolitics:
Former Senate Majority Leader Judy Robson said today following the budget signing that her gender likely was a reason she was deposed by now-majority leader Sen. Russ Decker.

Robson defended her record and discussed why Democrats gave her the boot.

ROBSON: Well, they wanted more muscular direction. They want more rough and tumble. And that's not my style. My style is one of consensus, harmony, bringing people together to get the job done. Not to fight.


I was told I was 'too nice' to be a leader. I think that's a gender issue. I think it's sexist, and I told the person who said that it's a sexist comment.


All women leaders in the Legislature have had coups against them. It's the nature of being a woman leader - or I should say the fallout of being a woman leader.


We need more women to be elected so this doesn't happen. Right?

What is Robson saying?

Is she saying that people consider all women to be "nicer" than men?

She says that "nice" is a gender issue.

Women can't be successful leaders because they're seen as "too nice"?

Robson thinks she was a victim of a coup because of her womanly niceness.

She's resigned to the fact that it's the "fallout of being a woman leader."


That Margaret Thatcher was a real sweetheart, too nice for the job.

Robson's comments are ridiculous. Saying that her ouster is gender-related does a disservice to women.

She shouldn't be blaming her failure to hang on to her position as Senate Majority Leader on any sexist stereotypes.

Robson should grow a pair, figuratively speaking of course.

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