Krystle Weber: What a mom!
Stories of parents giving their young children illicit drugs absolutely boggle my mind.
From the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel:
A Menomonee Falls mother and two of her friends were charged Wednesday with sharing a marijuana cigarette with the woman's 2-year-old son, an episode they recorded on cell phone video clips, according to a criminal complaint.
The three agreed to keep the incident a secret and not show the video clips to anyone, according to the criminal complaint. But police received a tip and got a court order to seize the phone, which still held images of the boy's marijuana sampling experience when they viewed it, the complaint says.
I don't get this. I really don't.
I would never do that to my 2-year-old. I wouldn't do that to any 2-year-old.
And how could the mother and her friends record the episode?
What was the point of that?
Was it so entertaining, did they find the poor little 2-year-old so amusing, that they wanted to keep video clips?
It is so abusive and so immature.
Really sick.
One clip lasting two minutes and 15 seconds shows the boy wearing a motorcycle helmet and staggering around a bedroom "in what appears to be a confused and altered state," the complaint says.
"Hey, buddy," one of the mother's friends, Sean M. Held, says to the boy, according to the complaint. "Are you stoned?"
Laughter and other voices, including that of the mother, are then heard on the clip, according to the complaint.
Subsequent tests of a blood sample obtained from the boy did not indicate the presence of marijuana byproducts in the boy's system, making it difficult to prove a drug delivery charge against the three, according to Waukesha County District Attorney Brad Schimel.
"It was inconclusive," Schimel said. "So what we did was reach a reasonable compromise that will hold them accountable for their behavior."
The 20-year-old mother, whom the Journal Sentinel is not naming to protect the identity of her son, was charged with child neglect. She, Held, 19, and the other defendant, Dane Thomas Ashley, 20, all of Menomonee Falls, were also charged with contributing to the delinquency of a child and possession of marijuana.
This mother is a disgrace.
She certainly has picked real winners as friends.
"Hey, buddy... Are you stoned?"
The mother, who is quoted in the complaint as telling police she "would do anything to keep her son," still has custody of the boy and is being monitored by personnel from the county Department of Human Services, Schimel said.
"There will be ongoing supervision of her relationship with her son," Schimel said. "She is living with her mother, who had no knowledge of any of this nonsense and is a very responsible parent.
"She (the boy's mother) is being very cooperative and seems to have the right attitude about this."
The complaint says the incident occurred on the afternoon of Aug. 13, a date and time that was established by the three cell phone video clips viewed by police. It happened at Ashley's house, where the three gathered.
"The whole reason I went there was to smoke a blunt," the mother said of a marijuana cigarette fashioned from a hollowed-out cigar, according to the complaint.
After police obtained the cell phone from Held and viewed it, according to the complaint, they confronted the three and all admitted involvement in the incident.
"At one point, (the mother) offered (her son) the blunt, and Held saw the boy hold the blunt and put it up to his mouth," the complaint says Held told police. Held said that he was "shocked that (the boy) seemed to know how to hold the blunt."
The mother told police that Held came up with the idea to share the marijuana with her son and that he was the first to offer it to the boy after she agreed, the complaint says.
She also told police that Held first suggested making a video of the boy smoking the marijuana and that she initially balked at the idea out of concern that it would lead to trouble with the law, the complaint says.
"Held insisted that no one would see it and that what they were doing was funny," the complaint says.
Yeah. Really funny.
I can't help but wonder what's in store for this innocent little boy.
His mother, Krystle Leigh Weber, is unfit.
Waukesha County District Attorney Brad Schimel says that she's "very cooperative and seems to have the right attitude about this."
Right attitude? What attitude would that be?
Is she promising to suddenly become a responsible parent?
Is she promising to give up illicit drug use?
Supposedly, she will be supervised, suggesting that the boy will be protected. I'm not so sure.
Schimel seems to be very confident that the boy can stay in his mother's custody and be safe. I don't know why Schimel thinks so.
The mother's mother may, in fact, be a very responsible parent. But are we to believe that she had no clue that her daughter wasn't a responsible parent?
If she had "no knowledge of any of this nonsense," I wonder how well she'll be able to monitor her daughter's future behavior.
I'm not saying that the 2-year-old should be removed from his mother's custody. That penalty is probably too harsh.
I worry though that this little boy is doomed to endure more abuse.
What are the chances that the mother will grow up in time to be a responsible parent to her son?
I hope it's not the case, but they're probably pretty slim.
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