Tuesday, October 9, 2007


Democrats have been whining about the erosion of civil liberties for over six years now. It began with the 2000 Election fiasco and charges of disenfranchisement.

Even before President George W. Bush was inaugurated, the Left began its "throwing out the Constitution" and "King George" mantras and they have never let up.

Simply put, the Democrats are hypocrites.

From The American Spectator:

The Democrat Party senior leadership is feeling a Rush. Rush Limbaugh, that is. Late last week, DNC Chair Howard Dean, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, his deputy, Sen. Dick Durbin and Senatorial Committee chair, Sen. Chuck Schumer, and Speaker Nancy Pelosi all signed off in some form or another direct mail fundraising plans that will feature Limbaugh for their national party.

"'Don't let Limbaugh smear true patriotism,' that's the theme," says a DNC staffer. "We're not going to let Limbaugh determine what soldiers can talk and what soldiers can not."

Bad grammar and ill-informed opinions aside, the DNC hopes to raise millions of dollars of Limbaugh. "If we can't silence him, we should at least make some money to make his life more miserable in a Democratic-controlled Washington in 2008," says a Senate Democrat leadership aide.

When life gives you lemons, make lemonade.

And I guess when life gives you Limbaugh, make money.

The exploitation and manipulation and distortion of events to give a boost to fundraising is disturbing to be sure, but it isn't nearly as troubling to me as the Stalinist tactics of the Democrats and their war on free speech.

Others on the Democrat side are pushing ahead with other plans. Rep. Henry Waxman has asked his investigative staff to begin compiling reports on Limbaugh, and fellow radio hosts Sean Hannity and Mark Levin based on transcripts from their shows, and to call in Federal Communications Commission chairman Kevin Martin to discuss the so-called "Fairness Doctrine."

"Limbaugh isn't the only one who needs to be made uncomfortable about what he says on the radio," says a House leadership source. "We don't have as big a megaphone as these guys, but this all political, and we'll do what we can to gain the advantage. If we can take them off their game for a while, it will help our folks out there on the campaign trail."

The Democrats are orchestrating an effort to make private citizens "uncomfortable" for expressing their views.

They are calculating and scheming to silence the voices of Americans.

This is an outrage. It strikes at the heart of what America is about, what the Framers envisioned for their new nation.

Talk about an abuse and an attack on civil liberties!


On a related note--

The story of Graeme Frost.

Who is Graeme Frost?

He gave the Dems' radio address on September 29.

Read on.
Earlier in the week, his younger sister helped congressional Democrats sell expanded funding for the State Children's Health Insurance Program. Yesterday, with the White House threatening again to veto the legislation, it was Graeme Frost's turn to take up the cause.

The 12-year-old Baltimore boy, whose family relied on the government-funded insurance program after he and his sister were severely injured in a 2004 car accident, came to Washington yesterday to record the Democrats' weekly radio address.

"If it weren't for CHIP, I might not be here today," Graeme says in the address, to air today on stations across the country.

Popular with the states, the health insurance program, also known as SCHIP, covers 6.6 million children from modest-income families that are not poor enough to qualify for Medicaid. Congressional Democrats, with substantial Republican support, voted this week to cover 4 million more children, at an additional cost of $35 billion over five years.

President Bush, who says the measure expands the program beyond its original intent, plans to veto the bill. Forty-five House Republicans joined Democrats in the 265-159 vote to approve the expansion. Support fell short of the 290 votes needed to override a veto. The Senate vote was 67-29, with 18 Republicans supporting the bill.

Bush has proposed a $5 billion increase over a five-year period. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi described a "friendly conversation" with Bush yesterday in which she told the president she was praying that he would reconsider his veto. White House press secretary Dana Perino said Bush told Pelosi, "I'm going to veto this bill, and after that, let's see if we can sit down and come to a compromise."

Graeme, a seventh-grader at the Park School, has a message for the president.

"If I could speak to him, I would say, 'You have to sign this bill,'" he told reporters yesterday during his first visit to the Capitol. "I'm guessing he wants this money for Iraq. Our future isn't in Iraq. It's here."

The blond, bespectacled youth rose at 6 a.m. in his family's home in the Butchers Hill neighborhood of Baltimore yesterday for the trip to Washington.

Earlier in the week, two staffers from the office of Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid had called to ask Graeme about his health care experience.

Graeme and his 9-year-old sister, Gemma, were passengers in the family SUV in December 2004 when it hit a patch of black ice and slammed into a tree. Both were taken to a hospital with severe brain trauma. Graeme was in a coma for a week and still requires physical therapy.

Bonnie Frost works for a medical publishing firm; her husband, Halsey, is a woodworker. They are raising their four children on combined income of about $45,000 a year. Neither gets health insurance through work.

Pretty dramatic, isn't it?

Enter the New Media, the Internet and talk radio, to relay, as Paul Harvey would say, "the rest of the story."

From NewsBusters:

The media piled on when President Bush used his veto pen on this children's health insurance bill. They tried to drop the absolute moral authority bomb on it big time and paint him as not caring about children. Now it looks like a little backfire is on the horizon.

On September 29th, 12 year old Graeme Frost of Maryland got to do the Democrats’ radio address, in which he told his story of how he and his sister were seriously injured in a car accident, and if it hadn’t been for SCHIP, they wouldn’t be here today. The Baltimore Sun did a story on the family, in which it stated the family couldn’t get health insurance through their work.

...There were many others in the media that swallowed the story whole with its hook. All of them were missing greatly in one major thing, facts.

Freerepublic's icwhatudo, managed to find plenty of missing facts using google:
"First, Mr. Halsey Frost, Graeme’s father, owns his own woodworking design studio, Frostworks, so his claim that he can’t get health insurance through work is shockingly deceptive. He chooses not to get health care for his family. Second, Graeme and his sister Gemma attend the very exclusive Park School, which has a tuition of $20,000 a year, per child. Third, they live in a 3,000+ square foot home in a neighborhood with smaller homes that are selling for at least $400,000. "

How could the Democrats be so careless?

Of all the children, of all the stories-- Why Graeme Frost?

The Dems have completely stepped in it, AGAIN.

Every uninsured kid in America should be as lucky as Graeme Frost.

While I'm sorry that sister Gemma and Graeme have suffered so greatly because of the car accident, it's ridiculous to suggest that it's inappropriate to let the facts be known about their living conditions and quality of life. It's not some kind of smear job.

The parents are clearly making choices that are leaving their family vulnerable. The parents are choosing to be irresponsible.

The Dems really gave President Bush and the Republicans a gift here. It proves Bush's wisdom in vetoing the bill.

The case of the Frost family is precisely why Henry Waxman can't stand talk radio.

This is precisely why we need it.

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