Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Dave Obey True to Form

There he goes again.

Dave Obey has added to his lengthy list of "off the deep end" performances.

Review a few
here and here and here.

Last night, addressing the National Press Club, Obey delivered another stellar performance.

If violence is decreasing in Iraq, it may be because insurgents “are running out of people to kill,” House Appropriations Committee Chairman David Obey (D-Wis.) said Monday.

“There are fewer targets of opportunity,” Obey said in a speech to the National Press Club.

Obey was responding to a question about reports touted by Republicans that security is improving in Iraq and that President Bush’s “surge” strategy is working. He stressed that military success has not led to political reconciliation.

“The issue has never been military,” Obey said. “The issue has always been political improvement.”

Here's more of Obey's idiocy, from the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel:
With guns blazing, House Democrat Dave Obey of Wisconsin took the National Press Club podium Monday and criticized President Bush, the Iraq war and the ongoing battle over domestic spending.

Obey, chairman of the House Appropriations Committee, charged that Bush "has followed a course of greater fiscal irresponsibility than any other president in history."

...Obey variously condemned the Iraq war as a "quagmire," a "misguided enterprise," a "never-ending war" and a "black hole."

He said he would stand firm against approving the $200 billion in supplemental spending that Bush now wants for Iraq unless there is a change in policy. Obey's goal is to have combat troops out of Iraq by 2008.

He said the "the last straw" came when Bush addressed the nation after the progress report in September from Gen. David H. Petraeus, the top U.S. commander in Iraq. He said Bush's speech - "a case study in public deception"- made clear that the president has no intention of extracting this country "from that mess."

...He said the 2006 midterm elections that sent Democrats back to power in Congress signified that the public had two messages for Washington: "First, they wanted a change in policy in Iraq. Secondly, they wanted a new set of priorities at home."

He added, "What they are getting instead is a president who is determined to stiff the American people."

That's right.

The surge isn't really working. There are just less people to kill, "fewer opportunity targets, if you want to put it that way, for each side."

And Bush is determined to stiff the American people.

Good grief.

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