Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Is Fred the Man?

I know this was just a little joke, an off-the-cuff remark.

I'm not reading much into it.

From the Telegraph:

Even Fred Thompson doesn't think he will become president. Chatting off-air to a television reporter, a stunningly candid off-the-cuff quip from the Hollywood actor cemented the impression that his heart is not in the 2008 race.

Trying to encourage his studio to hurry up so an interview could start, Carl Cameron of Fox News said into his microphone: "The next president of the United States has a schedule to keep." Standing beside him, a deadpan Mr Thompson interjected: "And so do I."

As some Thompson aides looked bemused and others cringed, a taken-aback Mr Cameron, Fox's chief political correspondent, exclaimed: "You can't do that kind of stuff!"

The self-deprecating quip said much about the former Tennessee senator's candidacy.

I disagree. I don't think the quip says much about Thompson's candidacy.

However, as time goes on, I'm getting more concerned about Thompson's viability. I keep waiting for his campaign to catch fire. I'm waiting for Thompson to exhibit some fire.

It's not happening.

Mike Huckabee took direct aim at Thompson in this e-mail yesterday:

This weekend Senator Thompson on Meet the Press said he did not support constitutional amendments to protect life and marriage. Senator Thompson's comments were disappointing and disheartening for those who were expecting him to be a solid voice for conservatives. The marriage and life amendments are critical issues for those of us who have been on the front lines of these cultural battles. Sen. Thompson's philosophy seems to be more 'cut and run' when it comes to these issues, rather than stand and lead.

I've always supported the passage of a constitutional amendment to protect the right to life. As President, I will fight for passage of a human life amendment. My position on the sanctity of life has always been clear and consistent. No candidate has a stronger record on the sanctity of life than I do. As Governor of Arkansas, I successfully led efforts to promote a human life amendment and marriage amendment in my state. For me, it isn't just talk; it's a conservative record of leadership and conviction.

And unlike Senator Thompson, I never took money to lobby from an abortion rights group, and then tried to say I'd forgotten about it and it was just a lawyer representing a client. Lawyers have a right to say no to representing a client when the client is in the abortion business.

Senator Thompson's comments also come at a time when many Republican voters are beginning to consider the race for President for the first time. Voters are looking for a President that will stand and lead. They want consistency on important issues such as the sanctity of life. I have always been consistent on this issue and always will because my faith shapes me and my view of the world.

Lower tier candidate Huckabee is showing more fight than Thompson.

I know that Thompson has a laid back style. He's low key. That can be a plus. That sort of demeanor can be reassuring. It can be a sign of confidence.

The problem is I don't think it's coming off that way.

I think Thompson needs to make some bold moves now.

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