A lot has been said about this picture.
Of course, queen lib and gender-obsessed Maureen Dowd gives her reaction.
It's not really a reaction as much as it is an opportunity to paint Rush Limbaugh as a sexist Neanderthal.
I don't think that Limbaugh was saying it's right that there's a double standard when it comes to judging the appearance of aging men and women. I think he was pointing out a reality of our culture.
Furthermore, I don't think Dowd has the moral authority to be outraged about someone stating the obvious, that women have a heavier burden of trying to look physically perfect and forever young than men do.
Would Dowd like to make her BOTOX records public?
There's no question that the photo of Hillary shows a tired, worn woman.
What's wrong with that?
She's 60. She has a grueling schedule. Her face is lined, as it would be at this point in her life.
Personally, I admire women confident enough in their abilities and inner worth to look their age without fear of rejection.
Women who take it to the extreme and opt to go the freakish cosmetic surgery route have serious self-esteem issues.
It's sad that some women, and men, believe the most important quality that they have to offer the world is a creaseless face and bloated misshaped lips.
I see nothing wrong with that photo of Hillary.
What's wrong is our twisted culture that puts such value on the superficial and those quick to use the absence of wrinkles as the measure of an individual.
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