The ENQUIRER has uncovered that Edwards' political operatives are still paying his mistress Rielle Hunter - and she was whisked away on a private jet two days before he confessed their extramarital affair on national TV!
The ENQUIRER has also confirmed that Edwards secretly visited Rielle and their love child three separate times at the Beverly Hilton hotel in Los Angeles this year - a fact that proves he is still lying to America and his wife.
...After Edwards confessed the affair to his wife, he restarted it, and was sexually involved with Rielle when she became pregnant.
Despite his denials, Edwards WAS aware that his former finance committee chairman, Fred Baron, was funneling money to Rielle.
Experts are now calling for a federal investigation into Edwards' use of campaign funds.
...In denying he fathered Rielle's baby, Edwards told ABC that he would "be happy" to take a paternity test to prove he's telling the truth. (He has refused numerous previous requests by The ENQUIRER to take a paternity test.)
Edwards claimed he ended the affair in 2006, but sources say he restarted the illicit romance after confessing to his wife.
Rielle soon became pregnant after the affair was rekindled, say sources.
UPDATE, August 8, 2008: Edwards admits affair.
UPDATE, August 6, 2008: THE Photo
Actually, I'd like to see a photo of the ashen John Edwards hiding out in the bathroom of the Beverly Hilton Hotel.

UPDATE, July 25, 2008: FOX News reports that a hotel security guard confirms some of the National Enquirer's story.
Family Man Times Two?
Back in October, The National Enquirer ran a story on John Edwards' mistress.
I didn't buy it then. Although I think he'd make a terrible president, I defended John Edwards, the husband.
Now, there's another chapter in the alleged scandal.
Drudge is teasing with the next National Enquirer cover.

Edwards' mistress is pregnant and in hiding. Of course, she's not hiding very well, given the fact that THERE'S A PHOTO OF HER ON THE NATIONAL ENQUIRER.
Presidential candidate John Edwards is caught up in a love child scandal, a blockbuster ENQUIRER investigation has discovered.
The ENQUIRER has learned exclusively that Rielle Hunter, a woman linked to Edwards in a cheating scandal earlier this year, is more than six months pregnant — and she's told a close confidante that Edwards is the father of her baby!
The ENQUIRER's political bombshell comes just weeks after Edwards emphatically denied having an affair with Rielle, who formerly worked on his campaign and told another close pal that she was romantically involved with the married ex-senator.
The ENQUIRER has now confirmed not only that Rielle is expecting, but that she's gone into hiding with the help of a former aide to Edwards. The visibly pregnant blonde has relocated from the New York area to Chapel Hill, N.C., where she is living in an upscale gated community near political operative Andrew Young, who's been extremely close to Edwards for years and was a key official in his presidential campaign.
And in a bizarre twist, Young — a 41-year-old married man with young children — now claims HE is the father of Rielle's baby! But others are skeptical, wondering if Young's paternity claim is a cover-up to protect Edwards.
I think this "bombshell" is coming straight from Hillary's campaign.
In fact, I wouldn't be surprised if Bill was dispatched to get this scandal in the oven.
I kid. I kid. But the scandal does have the Clinton style written all over it, and Hillary is really desperate right now.
The story could also be coming from Obama's campaign. When it comes to the politics of personal destruction, Obama can convincingly claim innocence because so many people know how dirty Hillary and the Clinton machine can be. More importantly, Obama has been a victim of the Clinton slime himself.
Seriously, I still don't buy the Enquirer story.
The timing of the "bombshell" is very suspect, catching people just before they zone out for the holidays but in time to get attention before the January 3 Iowa Caucus.
I'm going to need DNA proof or a teary-eyed Edwards begging for forgiveness on 60 Minutes before I'll believe it.
It's tabloid trash. It's dirty politics.
See what I mean about it having the Clinton fingerprints on it?
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