MANITOWOC -- The Nativity scene displayed outside the Manitowoc County Courthouse violates the constitutional principle of separation of church and state, according to the Madison-based Freedom From Religion Foundation.
Annie Laurie Gaylor, co-president of the group, sent a letter late Tuesday to County Executive Bob Ziegelbauer and the 25 county board supervisors requesting an immediate response about what will be done to remedy the alleged violation.
The U.S. Supreme Court ruled in 1989 that placing a Nativity scene as the sole focus of a display on government property is a violation of the First Amendment of the Constitution.
On Wednesday, Ziegelbauer said the Nativity scene would be taken down, but he didn't say whether that would occur soon in response to the letter or after the holiday season.
County Board Chairman Jim Brey called the accusation ludicrous.
"I don't think most people are offended when they drive by (the courthouse)," Brey said. "(The Nativity scene is) not going anywhere right now, and if (the Freedom From Religion Foundation) wants to challenge it, they are welcome to do that."
I can't imagine making it my life's work to rid expressions of faith from society.
What a miserable existence!
...The Manitowoc County Catholic Women's Club and the Knights of Columbus have erected the scene since 1946, said Jackie DeBaker, vice president of the women's club.
The Nativity scene has been there since 1946!
For over 60 years, it's been displayed without any problems.
During those 60 years, I don't think government officials in Manitowoc have taken steps to establish Catholicism or Christianity as a county-sanctioned religion.
...Ziegelbauer said he has received no other complaints about the Nativity scene.
Why have there been NO other complaints about the display?
Probably because the overwhelming majority of people understand that the Nativity scene in no way threatens their freedom.
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