Friday, December 28, 2007

Wal-Mart Caught "Regifting"

Sometimes that perfect Christmas gift isn't quite perfect.

Wal-Mart sold a returned MP3 player, in violation of its own policy to ship returned electronics back to the manufacturer rather than return it to their shelves for resale.

COOKEVILLE, Tenn. -- The family of a 10-year-old girl who received an MP3 video player for Christmas was shocked when it found the player was loaded with explicit songs and pornographic movie clips.

The daughter of Cookeville's Daryl Hill was thrilled to find that Santa had left an MP3 player under the tree, until she turned it on.

"Within 10 minutes, my daughter was crying," said Hill.

There were video clips of XXX rated sex scenes, and the pornography was so graphic that Channel 4 could not broadcast it.

"I wish I could take the thoughts and images out of her head," said Hill.

The Hills had bought three MP3 players for their children that came from a Wal-Mart store in Sparta, Tenn. It turns out one of the MP3 players had been returned to the store from a previous owner who loaded sex clips, graphic war scenes and lyrics about using drugs.

The Hills want to know why Wal-Mart would sell used merchandise as new in the first place, which is in violation of its own policies.

"If they want to be a major retailer, they need to act like it," said Hill.

...A Wal-Mart spokesperson e-mailed Channel 4 confirming that stores are not supposed to return opened packages to the sales floor. They said they are working to get to the bottom of the problem.

The Hills said they have declined Wal-Mart's offer to replace the MP3 player. They've already bought their daughter a new one and are hanging onto the controversial one until they talk to a lawyer.

It's a safe bet to assume that the pervert responsible for loading the MP3 player with such graphic content intended to shock a new owner.

There's no question that Wal-Mart screwed up royally. This incident shows why its policy of returning electronics to the manufacturer is a good one. The buck stops with Wal-Mart.

But I can't over the sicko who bought an MP3 player, packed it with porn, and returned it. The person knew what he or she was doing.

Not funny.

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