From the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel:
Milwaukee police Wednesday promised a crackdown on the Latin Kings after arresting two members of a violent street gang in connection with the slaying of a Miller Brewing Co. executive.
"The Latin Kings are out there right now throwing their weight around a little bit, and we're going to make sure they feel our attention in a very special way in the next several weeks," said Chief Edward Flynn, adding that the effort will not be a sweep of Latino men, but arrests of specific gang members.
Promises, promises.
Flynn's remarks came during a 5 p.m. news conference announcing the arrests earlier in the day of two suspects, ages 17 and 21, both of whom he said had prior records. The 17-year-old was on probation for a robbery, Flynn said.
The 17-year-old was on probation for robbery.
Well, there's another stunning success story of the rehabilitation of a teen criminal.
The two are expected to be charged in the robbery and killing of Lodewikus "Vic" Milford, 43, after a robbery early Saturday in Walker's Point. Milford, the director of compensation and benefits for Miller, was returning to his car with three women after they had visited a nightclub when they were robbed about 1:10 a.m. Saturday, police said. After they all gave up their wallets and purses, Milford was shot inside his SUV in a parking lot near S. 2nd and W. Walker streets.
Flynn credited the department's homicide and gang units and District 2 police officers for arresting the suspects just a few days after the crime. He also said Miller's $10,000 reward was a "significant factor" in helping detectives break the case.
That's sort of vague. The $10,000 was a "significant factor."
If someone will be collecting that reward, it would probably be a good idea for the person to leave Milwaukee. Make that the Midwest.
It's unfortunate that it takes lots of cash for some people to do the right thing; but if that's what it takes then that's what it takes.
Milford's killing was tragic, but the circumstances surrounding the crime are also rare in Milwaukee, Flynn said. Some 80% of the homicides in the city in 2007 involved a victim who had a criminal record, he said.
I have a problem with that.
Milford's killing was tragic -- period. There is no solace in the rare circumstances of his death.
The rarity provides no comfort whatsoever to his family and friends.
It also should provide no comfort to people in Milwaukee.
FACT: Gang members, cold-blooded killers, are on Milwaukee's streets right now.
While it's statistically highly unlikely for one to become a victim like Milford, it's possible. That possibility matters.
Flynn said he understands that the slaying had a profound impact on the Walker's Point area, but he believes the neighborhood is safe.
"My message to them is that justice will be done in this case. Don't lose heart, and don't lose faith," Flynn said.
The neighborhood isn't safe. A murder took place there.
Other neighborhoods also aren't safe.
Milwaukee has a gang problem. As long as the gangs are operating, the threat of a horror like the murder of Vic Milford exists.
...Federal prosecutors have indicted large numbers of Latin Kings several times over the past two decades for drug peddling and homicides, including 49 people in a 2005 case. A 2007 U.S. Justice Department drug trafficking intelligence report indicated that other members keep stepping up to take positions of authority in the gang.
And others do some time and resume their criminal activities as soon as they're released.
I wonder what the recidivism rate is among gang members.
...Flynn said police will keep up the pressure on the gang. "Their behavior has been intolerable, and we have a responsibility to our citizens to stop them," he said.
Milwaukeeans have heard that before.
"Let's send a message here," said Mayor Tom Barrett. "If you commit a crime in this city, if you disrupt our neighborhoods, terrorize our residents or businesses, or create fear in our streets, we're coming after you, we will find you and hold you responsible."
Barrett said the same thing when 4-year-old Jasmine Owens was murdered. He said the Neighborhood Safety Inititative would "send a message to the drug dealers, gang members and the thugs: We're coming after you."
Barrett also said that one year ago about the Bay View crime spree, that "we're coming after you" line.
At a community meeting at Bay View High School, Barrett said there were two ways to approach the crime problem.
One is to make it clear to the bad guys that "we're coming after you."
The other approach is to say "everything's out of control." He said that such a reaction to the thugs from leaders and the media and citizens serves to "encourage them."
Barrett claimed, "Public safety is my #1 priority."
"We're never going to throw up our arms and say it's out of control because it isn't out of control."
Mr. Mayor, it is out of control.
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