
Michel Veillette has something in common with Lam Luong.
Both men allegedly killed four children.
In addition to killing the children, Veillette also allegedly killed his wife.
MASON, Ohio -- The burning house where a woman and her young child were found dead caught fire through the use of kerosene, gasoline or some other accelerant, a coroner said Sunday.
Meanwhile, Mason police said they have spoken to the man who they believe started the fire and stabbed the woman to death.
Three other children were pulled from Friday night's fire but died later at a hospital. Police on Saturday charged Michel Veillette, 34, with four counts of aggravated murder, one count of murder and one count of aggravated arson.
..."Trust me ... if it qualifies for a death penalty case, I will ask for an indictment for the death penalty," Warren County prosecutory Rachel Hutsel said.
Veillette's wife, Nadya Ferrari-Veillette, died from multiple stab wounds, said Dr. Russell Uptegrove of the Warren County coroner's office. He wouldn't say how many times Ferrari-Veillette was stabbed or the location of the wounds.
Her 4-year-old son, Vincent, was probably killed through carbon monoxide poisoning due to smoke inhalation, Uptegrove said.
Further tests of clothing worn by Ferrari-Veillette and her son are being conducted to determine the type of accelerant, he said.
Authorities wouldn't discuss a possible motive or other evidence during a news conference Monday.
"Our goal right now is to bring someone to justice for what has happened to these four innocent children and their mother," Hutzel said.
...The children were between the ages of 3 and 8, police have said.
Veillette jumped out of a second-story window and was found on the ground Friday night as the house burned. He had also been stabbed and was in stable but serious condition Sunday at University Hospital in Cincinnati.
This is heartbreaking.
The horror of this family, mother Nadya Ferrari-Veillette, 33, and children Marguarite, 8, Vincent, 4, and Jacob and Mia, both 3, being wiped out is incomprehensible.
It may have been the result of a "domestic dispute."
I don't like that term. It's so sanitized, trouble at home.
I can't imagine the rage Veillette would have had to kill his wife and children.
He allegedly took the lives of his innocent little children!
I really don't understand how a parent could do that to his babies.
It's monstrous.
More on the Veillette family.
Michel Veillette on suicide watch.
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