As President Bush entered the chamber this evening to deliver his State of the Union address, Barack Obama and Teddy Kennedy were shown next to each other, yucking it up. What a coincidence!
Once again, it appeared that Nancy Pelosi has chapped lips. A close-up of her was not kind. Her blinking is maddening.
On to the speech--
Bush wants to make tax relief permanent.
The Republicans jumped to their feet and cheered. The Dems sat motionless, as motionless as John Kerry's Botoxed forehead.
Dems and Republicans alike stood and applauded Bush's call for a balanced budget. He demands that earmarks be cut in half, or else -- veto.
Helping the housing market, making health care more affordable, establishing health savings accounts, increase accountability in education...
Bush really is rushing through this speech. I'm getting dizzy.
He's already talking about trade and passing free trade agreements.
During applause lines, the camera shows Hillary, the lonely lady in red, and Obama next to Uncle Teddy.
"Democracy leads to a better life." Applause.
Energy -- Reduce dependence on oil, and fund new technologies. That pleases both sides of the aisle. I think that line has been in the SOTU since Nixon was in office.
I should be counting how many times Obama is on the screen. He's in close-ups and wide shots.
Hillary is seated next to Joe Biden. They look thrilled to be sitting next to each other. Absolutely thrilled.
I see Chuck Schumer looks like he was at Happy Hour before the speech.
Now, Bush is on to stem cell research and breakthroughs that don't require the destruction of embryos.
He calls on Congress to pass standards of ethical practices, to prevent the buying, selling, patenting, and cloning of human life. Again, the Dems aren't very enthusiastic.
Already on the subject of judges -- Bush says nominees deserve a prompt up or down vote.
He highlights the good works of volunteers.
Bush scolded Congress for failing to address entitlement spending and immigration. He wants them to save Social Security and Medicare.
On ILLEGAL immigration, Bush sounded a lot like John McCain. Can you say "amnesty"?
Now on to foreign policy--
It's on freedom and liberty when Bush speaks most passionately.
Bush insists we will deliver justice to our enemies.
"For the security of America and the peace of the world, we are spreading the hope of freedom."
Bush thanked the Congress for supporting the mission in Afghanistan.
Bush noted that changing strategy by launching the surge has changed the course of life in Iraq. He said our military personnel are serving with courage and distinction and they have the gratitude of our whole nation.
That produced the longest sustained applause of the speech.
Republicans applauded the specific achievements of the surge. Dems did not.
He said, "Some may deny the surge is working."
To cheers from the Republicans, Bush said that al Qaeda is on the run and this enemy will be defeated.
The Dems weren't so confident.
Bush then spoke directly to the men and women on the front lines.
He said, "We make you a solemn pledge. You have will have all you need to protect our nation." Bush promised to fully fund our troops.
Russ Feingold? Did you hear that?
Bush announced that more than 20,000 of our troops will be coming home. Any further draw down will be based on conditions in Iraq and the judgment of commanders on the ground.
That incessant blinking by Pelosi is really weird.
Bush pointed out the importance of a free Iraq compared to the consequences of a failed Iraq.
"We will not rest until this enemy has been defeated."
While discussing extremism in the Holy Land, he expressed optimism of having Israel and a Palestinian state live side by side in peace.
On the Iranian threat-- Basically, he told the leaders of Iran to quit screwing around when it comes to threatening our troops and our allies and playing with the world when it comes to its nuclear aspirations.
Bush noted some of the specific terrorist attacks that have been prevented since 9/11. He said we need to be able to track terrorist threats and we must have the tools to do so. The Republicans cheered. The Dems... Crickets were heard chirping.
He said that America opposes genocide in Sudan and is assisting in eradicating global poverty and hunger.
Bush said America is leading the fight against disease, like Malaria and AIDS. He called for billions in additional aid.
He said we need to provide for our wounded warriors, as well as the families of our military.
Bush ended with strong and inspiring lines about trusting the people of America, "We the people."
Watching Bush, I got the feeling that this is a man unconcerned with his legacy.
He had a calling after 9/11, to protect the American people. He has done that.
I get the feeling that Bush doesn't care about being a lame duck president. When it comes to the most pressing matter of his presidency, he has succeeded.
There has not been another terrorist attack on our soil since 9/11.
That was his mission. Mission accomplished.
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