Thousands of pro-life advocates take part in a "March for Life" marking the 35th anniversary of the Supreme Court's 1973 decision in Roe vs Wade, the Supreme Court decision that made abortion legal, in Washington, January 22, 2008. REUTERS/Jason Reed (UNITED STATES)

Thousands of anti-abortion demonstrators participate in the "March for Life" in Washington, D.C., on Tuesday, the 35th anniversary of the Supreme Court's Roe v. Wade decision, which legalized abortion. (CHIP SOMODEVILLA/GETTY IMAGES)
The faces of the pro-life movement in the United States are young. It's fascinating when you think about it. These young people have grown up in a Culture of Death.
Maybe that's why they're so energized to defend life.
From the Washington Post:
Tens of thousands of abortion opponents took to the cold, gray streets of Washington yesterday, buoyed by a recent report that the number of abortions in the United States had hit the lowest level in years and vowing to continue the fight.
Many of the participants in the March for Life were young people, many from religious clubs and church-run schools from as far away as Ohio, Texas and Tennessee. The march has been held each year since 1974 to protest the Supreme Court's Jan. 22, 1973, decision that most laws against abortion violate a constitutional right to privacy.
In many ways, the march resembled a gigantic pep rally, with smiling teenagers in matching scarves or sweat shirts holding school banners high as they moved along Constitution Avenue NW toward the Supreme Court. But the individual signs they clutched told of their commitment to a cause: "Give Life, Don't Take It" and "Your Mother Was Pro-Life."
"It's illegal to kill someone walking down the street, so it should be illegal to kill someone in the womb," said Topher Boehm, 17, a member of the Pro-Life Club at the Jesuit College Preparatory School of Dallas. "This is the social justice issue of our era, and I want to do something about it."
Kelsey Wilson, 16, and Michelle Caulder, 17, along with their group from a Catholic church in Indianapolis, waved "Defend Life" signs as they maneuvered through the crush of people. This was their third Washington march, and they plan to keep coming, they said, until abortions are outlawed.
"I think abortion is wrong. People have reasons why they think it's right," Caulder said. "But it's wrong all the time."
Not surprisingly, the Post chooses to use quotes that are sure to disturb pro-abortion proponents - talk of outlawing all abortions in all situations.
This article is really more a rallying cry for people in favor of abortion than a report on people marching in support of life.
The message from the lib media: These tens of thousands of extremists want to strip women of their rights.
The march capped three days of antiabortion events, including a Luau for Life at Georgetown University, prayers at the Basilica of the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception and a candlelight vigil at the Supreme Court.
At a youth concert and Mass at Verizon Center yesterday morning, a message from Pope Benedict XVI was read to more than 20,000 youths. The pope, who will visit the United States in April, thanked them "for promoting respect for the dignity and inalienable rights of every human being, including the smallest and most defenseless members of our human family."
I suppose pro-abortion candidates like Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama don't like to think about "the smallest and most defenseless members of our human family."
The unborn can't vote. They can't make campaign contributions.
At a noon rally, President Bush spoke to the crowds via a telephone hookup from the White House, in what has become an annual greeting. "Thirty-five years ago today, the Supreme Court declared and decided that under the law an unborn child is not considered a person," Bush said. ". . . Today, we're heartened -- we're heartened by the news that the number of abortions is declining. But the most recent data reports that more than one in five pregnancies end in an abortion."
On the 36th anniversary of Roe v. Wade, George W. Bush will no longer be president. He will leave office at noon on January 20, 2009, two days before the anniversary.
In this last Roe v. Wade anniversary message that President Bush delivered to the tens of thousands of advocates for life, he said:
You believe, as I do, that every human life has value, that the strong have a duty to protect the weak, and that the self-evident truths of the Declaration of Independence apply to everyone, not just to those considered healthy or wanted or convenient. These principles call us to defend the sick and the dying, persons with disabilities and birth defects, all who are weak and vulnerable, especially unborn children.
...By changing laws we can change our culture. And your persistence and prayers, Nellie [Gray, organizer of March for Life], and the folks there with you, are making a real difference. We, of course, seek common ground where possible; we're working to persuade more of our fellow Americans of the rightness of our cause. And this is a cause that appeals to the conscience of our citizens, and is rooted in America's deepest principles -- and history tells us that with such a cause, we will prevail.
Think about a year from now, when we have a new president. Will he or she address the marchers?
Will he or she say "that every human life has value, that the strong have a duty to protect the weak... especially unborn children"?
I can guarantee you that there's no way Hillary Clinton or Barack Obama would ever utter words similar to what President Bush said when he spoke to the throngs of people gathered in Washington yesterday to promote the protection of the weak and vulnerable.
President Bush Speaks to March for Life Rally Participants
President Calls "March for Life" Participants
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