Barbara Boxer is a pro-abortion radical.
She's so extreme that she finds a benign resolution to honor the Pope and welcome him to America to be a threat to her staunch supporters, the pro-abortion contingent.
From The Crypt:
She's so extreme that she finds a benign resolution to honor the Pope and welcome him to America to be a threat to her staunch supporters, the pro-abortion contingent.
From The Crypt:
While Pope Benedict XVI's historic visit to Washington received wall to wall coverage, Sen. Barbara Boxer briefly held up a Senate resolution welcoming the pontiff because she objected to language about how the pope values "each and every human life."
The measure later cleared the Senate Thursday afternoon after the sponsor of the resolution, Sen. Sam Brownback (R-Kan.), dropped the reference to "human life" because some Democrats saw it as a reference to abortion. According to Republican aides, Brownback, a devout Catholic, did not want a high profile fight over the resolution, which was adopted on a voice vote. In fact, Brownback blackberried his staff from the Pope's mass at Nationals Park to direct them to drop the references to human life.
A copy of the original resolution can be found here.
...Three Senate Republican aides involved in the issue say that Boxer objected to the "life" language, which Democrats see as an implicit reference to the Catholic church's opposition to abortion. Senate Democratic leadership offices declined to comment but referred questions to Boxer's office, which has not responded to Politico's inquiries this morning.
UPDATE: Boxer's spokeswoman Natalie Ravitz has written The Crypt to say "we are very pleased we were able to reach an agreement with Senator Brownback to remove the political language and pass this resolution welcoming Pope Benedict."
"Senator Brownback also agreed to remove the political language referencing religious expression on public buildings," Ravitz said in an email.
That last clause that Brownback stripped can be found on the top of page two of the resolution linked above.
The offending language: "Whereas Pope Benedict XVI has spoken out for the weak and vulnerable, witnessing to the value of each and every human life."
A Boxer aide pointed specifically to the last 10 words of that sentence, saying it points directly to "pro-life" language. Boxer, with the support of a number of her Democratic and Republican colleagues, held up the bill for three days, trying to find a compromise.
One senior Republican leadership aide told FOX News, "What's the problem with this? Does Sen. Boxer not value life? It speaks directly to the message the Pope delivered when he arrived here."
From the Papal mass this morning, FOX News has learned, Brownback e-mailed his staff to strike the offending language.
Now, the resolution, which was just approved by unanimous consent, reads: "Whereas Pope Benedict XVI has spoken out for the weak and vulnerable."
This was so stupid of Boxer on a number of counts.
I don't think valuing life is political or partisan. Are Dems afraid to admit to the value of each and every life? They sure are.
I see nothing wrong with "Whereas Pope Benedict XVI has spoken out for the weak and vulnerable, witnessing to the value of each and every human life."
Brownback didn't specify the unborn or embryos. He didn't define life. All he said was "each and every human life." Big deal.
I don't know why Boxer is satisfied with striking "each and every human life" but leaving in "the weak and vulnerable."
The unborn certainly are weak and vulnerable.
In sum, Boxer comes off like a nut.
Brownback didn't specify the unborn or embryos. He didn't define life. All he said was "each and every human life." Big deal.
I don't know why Boxer is satisfied with striking "each and every human life" but leaving in "the weak and vulnerable."
The unborn certainly are weak and vulnerable.
In sum, Boxer comes off like a nut.
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