Friday, April 25, 2008

Jeremiah Wright and Bill Moyers

Bill Moyers is helping Jeremiah Wright attempt to transform the public's perception of him from the hate-filled, racist, anti-Semitic, anti-American pastor and spiritual mentor of Barack Obama into a soft-spoken man of God.

Just watching the brief clip of the Moyers interview makes me ill.

This must be what it's like to be a hostage and forced to view propaganda. Your captors are trying to brainwash you with lies.

From ABC News:

In the PBS interview on the "Bill Moyers Journal," Wright complains that reporters picked sound bites from his sermons with the intent of defaming him and, by association, Obama.

"At a political event, he goes out as a politician and says what he has to say as a politician," Wright told Moyers. "I continue to be a pastor … He's a politician. I'm a pastor."

...In the Moyers interview, a soft-spoken Wright expresses his horror that the media has made him a bogeyman, endlessly replaying sound bites of fiery sermons which he claims were taken out of context.

"I felt it was unfair. I felt it was unjust. I felt it was untrue," the former pastor of the Trinity United Church of Christ told Moyers, adding that some of the snippets were taken from many years ago.

For instance, after the 9/11 attack, Wright famously preached that the "chickens had come home to roost." Wright said it was clear to those present for the sermon that he was quoting President Reagan's former ambassador to Iraq.

"I think his manner, his demeanor, comes off being very appealing … but if you actually look at the snippets for what they are, where he's damning America, or the KKK in America, or the white government spreading AIDS in America, it's just so unappealing. At some point it's hard to explain away why the words were coming from his mouth. And then it invites to question Barack Obama's judgment, in sitting there all those years and being part of that kind of, what he calls by his own admission, 'divisive, hate speech,'" said [Juan] Williams.

..."The church members are very upset because they know it's a lie, the things being broadcast," Wright said, adding that there have even been death threats on him and bomb threats on his church.

Death threats and bomb threats are inexcusable. I

While it's appropriate to be very disturbed by Wright's rhetoric, that's no reason to morph into Obama's friend Bill Ayers. (Of course, Ayers was behind more than threats. He wasn't just talk. He actually walked the terrorist walk and still brags about it.)

If the rest of the interview is anything like the tease video, Moyers really whores himself.

I agree with Juan Williams. There's just no way to explain away what Wright has said.

Wright says, "The church members are very upset because they know it's a lie, the things being broadcast."

A lie?

From what I know about Wright, it seems that what will be broadcast tonight on Bill Moyers Journal will be the whopper of all whoppers.

I expect to see "a freak show of political pornography: lies, distortions, and half-truths -- half-truths being perhaps the blackest of all lies."


Obama: Rev. Wright's Response 'To Be Expected'
ABC News' Sunlen Miller Reports:

...As for the return of his controversial former pastor Rev. Jeremiah Wright who gave a recent interview to Bill Moyers and said Obama played politics in his response to the controversy, Obama said Wright's response was "to be expected".

"He is obviously free to express his opinions on these issues. I've expressed mine very clearly. I think that what he said in several instances were objectionable and I understand why the American people took offense and, you know, and as I indicated before, I took offense."

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