Monday, April 21, 2008

Lawrence Lessing and Barack Obama

Barack Obama sure knows how to pick 'em.

Lawrence Lessing is the latest loon in Obama's camp to be brought to the attention of the American public.

Erick Erickson at RedState writes:

Just the other day I posted about the Obama voters at the University of Washington. On their way home from an Obama rally they videotaped themselves ridiculing Christian voters and were kind enough to put it on the web.

Now comes word that Larry Lessig and Google really could care less that so many of us revere Jesus. This time the Lord is not in a jar of urine, but singing "I will survive" in a diaper before being run over by a bus. If you are really curious, you can watch this work of blasphemy here.

Though the Obama campaign is guarded in what connection Lessig has to the campaign, googling Obama's technology policy we can see that tech bloggers are widely under the impression that Obama consulted Lessig first. In fact, Lessig hosts the policy on his website.

Likewise, in his endorsement of Obama, Lessig admits they are friends and former colleagues. Lessig has also been on the campaign trail speaking on behalf of Barack Obama.

Barack Obama's campaign has regularly cited Lessig as a key supporter on technology issues (see here too) and made sure Lessig was quoted when listing Obama's technology endorsers.

Warner Todd Huston at NewsBusters comments:

Aside from his attacks on Jesus, Lessig is also an advocate of the concept of digital communism, a belief that there should be no such thing as intellectual property rights, that all creations of art or technology should be free for the taking.

So, what we have here is another close Obama supporter and advisor that seems to hate the things that the average American holds dear. The list of America hating Obama associates is getting longer every day, and now we can add a Christian hating, communist to that list.

Lessing isn't going to make or break Obama.

However, there's a cumulative effect here.

The list of fringe Leftists and radicals close to Obama keeps growing.

Obama casts himself in the role of a moderate, a Great Uniter, transcending divisions. That's not him. His campaign rhetoric is appealing to some, but it's a facade. His speeches hide the real Obama, the radical Leftist.

We're learning more about him and it's not very pretty.

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