Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Checkers Stores Hamburger Buns in Men's Room

I haven't recovered from the disturbing revelation that 37 percent of Milwaukee's restaurants were cited for serious health violations last year.

On the bright side, Milwaukee doesn't have a monopoly on restaurant violations.

A popular Florida fast food restaurant's storage policy for hamburger buns and cups is about as gross as it gets.

SANFORD, Fla. -- Eyewitness News discovered a popular Sanford fast food restaurant that's accused of storing food on the floor inside the men's restroom. The food that was left on the floor in the restroom was just one of several critical violations health inspectors found at a Checkers location in Sanford.

Employees at the Checkers store on South French Avenue at West 15th Street apparently decided it was okay to store buns for their hamburgers inside a not-so-clean men's room.

Tuesday, it appeared they had changed the policy, but not before racking up a dozen health code violations.

"The bread was stacked sky high to the ceiling, plus it was only about 12 inches from the men's commode," said former customer Willie Jones.

Checker's goes through a lot of hamburger buns at its drive-thru restaurants. It's hard to even think about what might happen to those buns in a tiny, smelly and dirty bathroom. One customer told Eyewitness News he didn't like the manager's reaction to his complaint about the bread box-bathroom stall combination.

"'You got the bread in the men's restroom.' She got angry with me. She got T'd off and she locked the door," Jones said.

Health officials didn't settle for that solution, forcing the store to throw away all of it. Unfortunately, they don't know how long the Sanford Checkers kept both bread and cups in a bathroom that was quickly cleaned as Eyewitness News arrived Tuesday. An employee denied the bathroom-food storage system.

"Were you guys storing bread in there?" WFTV reporter Steve Barrett asked.

"No sir," the employee replied.

That employee and the bread delivery man seemed perplexed about where the bread should go Tuesday as an Eyewitness News crew looked on. They finally took it inside the kitchen.

"Do you ever see them put the bread you bring in the bathroom?" Barrett asked the delivery man.

"No comment," he said.

Watch the video.

The bread delivery guy takes the buns right to the bathroom!

What's so odd about this is that obviously the men's room was routinely being used as a place to store food.

I assume that on a daily basis male customers use the restaurant's men's room.

Why didn't anyone complain sooner?

Are most men not troubled by hamburger buns being kept in the bathroom?

A man who is not grossed out by that is probably a man who uses the bathroom and doesn't wash his hands afterwards.

I'm sickened at the restaurant's food storage policy and I'm disgusted by all the slobs who saw the food in the bathroom and didn't care.

Men, clean up your act!

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