
Have no doubts that Code Pink is a group of complete loons.
The San Francisco Bay Area Code Pink has organized "Mother's Day Women's Week at the Marine Recruiting Station," site of many anti-Iraq war, anti-troops, anti-American protests.
In honor of Mother's Day, Code Pink is putting a call out for witches.
From Monday, May 5th until Friday May 9th, as a build-up to reclaiming the Mothers Day of Julia Ward Howe's Proclamation and as a protest against the $178 Billion more dollars proposed to continue funding the occupation of Iraq, we are planning a week of women-focused daily protests at the MRS! Such as:Monday, May 5th: Grandmothers Day of Action: we call on Grandmothers to volunteer to be recruited, instead of our youth
Tuesday, May 6th: Mothers Day of Action: we Mothers bewail the loss of all our children, and as Mama Bears, we do not allow recruiters to take our youth
Wednesday, May 7th: Daughters Day of Action: we call on daughters to do a wailing, mourning the loss of our fathers, the toll on the humanity of our fathers, the sorrow and pain of our fathers who have paid the price for destroying and/or harming human beings.
Thursday, May 8th: Sistahs:
Friday, May 9th: Witches, Crones, Sirens: perform rituals of leaving, cast a spell of peace and love over the station, rendering nil the recruiting of our youth to become fodder for this occupation of Iraq.
Then on Sunday, Mother's Day, May 11th, we have the March over the Golden Gate Bridge at noon.
"Witches, Crones, and Sirens" will "perform rituals of leaving, cast a spell of peace and love over the station, rendering nil the recruiting of our youth to become fodder for this occupation of Iraq."
Good grief!
Tomorrow's event is described:
Witches, Crones, Sirens come to the MRS today to cast spells, weave magic, invoke the foremothers, share wisdom, lead rituals to banish war and violence and to bring peace to the MRS, to protect our youth from the powerful spells of pro-war forces, to lead the men of the marine recruiting station off into the oceans of peace! Some witches, crones and sirens are willing to risk arrest, others are not. We call on all crones, witches and sirens to come to the MRS, to bring your energy, your wisdom, your fierce determination to end war now and bring peace to our world. Contact Kali at sylviasoven@yahoo.com or Marie at keeptahoepink@yahoo.com
All actions this week are at the MRS (Marine Recruiting Station, 64 Shattuck Square, Berkeley - on Shattuck Ave just south of University where Shattuck runs one-way north - and two blocks north of the BART)
These people are wackos!
Move America Forward is staging a counter event.
We're calling it a "Witch-Hunt" and we at MAF will be out in front of the Marine Recruiting Center this FRIDAY, May 9th from 8:00 AM - 12:00 Noon. Fox News Channel will be broadcasting live reports from the event - so stay tuned to Fox for updates and check back at our website: www.MoveAmericaForward.org for photos and after-action reports.
Finally, we'll be bringing our brooms (the symbol we're using to mock the anti-American witches of Code Pink), American flags and signs.
---Double, double toil and trouble;
Fire burn, and cauldron bubble...
---Are you a good witch or a bad witch?
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