From FOX News:
Barack Obama’s campaign issued an e-mail on Tuesday night that appeared to relegate Hillary Clinton’s lead in Indiana to efforts by Rush Limbaugh to wreak havoc in the Democratic presidential primary contest.
In an e-mail entitled “The Limbaugh Effect in Indiana = 7 percent,” Obama campaign spokesman Bill Burton wrote: “According to the latest exit polling data, 17 percent of voters in the Indiana primary today said they would vote for John McCain in a Clinton/McCain match-up. Forty-one percent of that number is constituted by people who voted Clinton in the primary but also indicated they will vote for McCain in the general election. That comes out to just under 7 percent of the primary electorate the number that may be attributed to a Limbaugh Effect.”
What a lame e-mail!
Burton is saying that Obama really won Indiana.
That's not how it works. Obama lost because Hillary got more votes.
Did Limbaugh's Operation Chaos play a role in giving Hillary that slim victory in Indiana?
It doesn't matter.
What matters is the Dems are divided. This has been a grueling bloody primary. It's May and Obama has shown that he hasn't been able to knock out Hillary.
There's definitely chaos, but Limbaugh can't take credit for all of it.
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