In this photo provided by NBC, showing former President Jimmy Carter, left talking with Jay Leno during the taping of 'The Tonight Show with Jay Leno' in Burbank, Calif., Wednesday, May 7, 2008. (AP Photo/NBC, Paul Drinkwater)
On Wednesday, former President Jimmy Carter was a guest on the Tonight Show.
Jay Leno gave Jimmy Carter one of the most glowing introductions I've ever heard him give a guest. Leno gushed about how thrilling it is to interview former President Carter. What a great man! So many accomplishments!
In Leno's introduction, he noted that Carter is an "undeclared super delegate."
That, of course, is somewhat of a crock. Carter keeps insisting that he's undeclared but then he adds that everyone in his family supports Barack Obama, his way of hinting that he does, too.
Carter said he would not be declaring until after the primary season concludes in June.
Leno asked Carter what he thought about Tuesday's primaries in Indiana and North Carolina.
Carter responded, "Well, I thought that Obama won one and Hillary won one."
He said it takes a super delegate to analyze that. Right.
Something that had to tick Hillary off was Carter's comments about the delegates from Michigan and Florida.
Carter did a dramatic lead up, asserting that they "ought to be seated for sure... in 2012."
Leno agreed with Carter when he said it would be wrong to seat them in 2008 because "they disqualified themselves."
Leno ended the topic by saying, "That argument is pretty much over."
On what planet? I wouldn't say that the issue of Florida and Michigan is settled, not by a long shot.
Talking about the Democrats' primary methods, Carter said the Dem party went with the super delegate system because at the 1980 Dem convention, Carter's opponent Ted Kennedy refused to shake his hand.
If you say so, Jimmy.
Leno asked Carter if he thought McCain was too old to be running for president. Carter said that McCain is 12 years younger than he is. It sounded as if Carter would say that McCain wasn't too old.
Carter flipped and said, "I think we need a younger person to be president."
Way to diss older Americans!
Naturally, Leno brought up Carter's recent talks with Hamas.
Leno asked, "Why do it? It seems like...boy, it gets people riled up. I mean..."
Carter led off with, "Well, for 32 years, I've been trying to bring peace to Israel, and was successful in getting a peace treaty between Israel and Egypt."
Gee, when was the last time you heard Carter mention the Camp David Accords?
It had to be the last time you heard Carter speak because he manages to work that into every statement he makes.
Then, Carter blathered on about meeting with Hamas, and the need for dialogue, and blah, blah, blah.
Carter said that the State Department didn't ask him not to go on the trip and meet with Hamas. He claimed no one even insinuated that he shouldn't go.
If you say so, Jimmy.
The real purpose for Carter's guest appearance was to hawk his new book about his mom, supposedly a great Mother's Day gift. He mentioned how she loved to be the center of attention. Carter added that he's "really not that way."
HUH? Carter wasn't joking. He claimed that he doesn't like to be the center of attention.
I never knew that. He sure fooled me.
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