Monday, May 5, 2008

Tom Hanks Endorses Obama




Tom Hanks announces support for Obama's presidential bid
Hanks has taken to his page to pledge his support for Obama, who is competing to be the first black president. Obama, who faces rival Hillary Rodham Clinton for the Democratic nomination, has also been endorsed by Oprah Winfrey, Bruce Springsteen and Scarlett Johansson.

"As an official celebrity, I know my endorsement has just made your mind up for you," the 51-year-old actor says in a short video titled, "Beware: Celebrity Endorsement."

"History with a capital `H' is going to be made this November, no matter who the president-elect is. I want Barack Obama to be president of this country, a country that once said people with his skin color were only three-fifths of a human being."

...The actor says Obama and Clinton have each "pretended to eat cheese- steak sandwiches and go bowling," "committed gaffes" and distanced themselves from supporters who could damage their campaigns.

But Hanks thinks an Obama presidency could bring about a "seismic shift," and "live up to the great promise once shaped by our founding fathers."

Signing off, the star says: "I'm Tom Hanks, I wrote and approved this message, and I'm now going to turn off the camera."

Tom Hanks is taking a humorous approach and he's being self-deprecating about his "celebrity endorsement" announcement.

That's nice, but he still chose to throw out his endorsement the day before the Indiana and North Carolina primaries. Carefully timed?

Even when celebrities attempt to downplay their egos, they fail.

Celebrity endorsements: WHO CARES?

My mama always said, "Celebrity endorsements are like a box of chocolates. Don't pay attention to what celebrities say about candidates and enjoy the chocolates even though you never know what you're gonna get."

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