Monday, July 25, 2011

Thaddeus McCotter: Obama's Speech

Presidential candidate Thaddeus McCotter was tweeting his reaction to Obama's address to the nation last night.

President glosses over his historic spending binge; plugs phony cuts; pushes more taxes & spending; & plays class warfare card.

President invokes Ronald Reagan 2 prop up straw man argument; & ignores Chief Executive's role in signing Congressional spending into law.

Waiting 4 President 2 refuse contributions from wealthy, corporations, hedge fund managers & others not "paying their fair share."

President has a posture not a plan. Refuses to accept that in 2010 the electorate voted for LESS & LIMITED government.

Let us also remember those rigid ideologues who jammed Obamacare on the American public without its consent.

Cut, cap and balance, like everyone else has to do who can only spend what they make - unlike govt. that can spend what it takes and prints.

Every dollar in higher taxes is another step further from limited government & economic recovery.

Obama's speech wasn't presidential. It was political. When is Obama going to assume the role of the president and lead?

I would love to see a debate between McCotter and Obama.

McCotter would crush Obama.

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