Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Rick Santorum and Dan Savage

Dan Savage, founder of the "It Gets Better Project," exposed his hypocrisy when he went on a hate-filled rant during his appearance on Friday's Real Time with Bill Maher.

In addition to asserting, "I wish [Republicans] were all f---ing dead," Savage made some despicable comments about Rick Santorum after Marc Maron had blasted Michelle Bachmann and her husband, Marcus.

Transcript and video.

MARC MARON: I don't want to be crass, but I just hope that Marcus Bachmann takes all that, you know, that rage that comes from repression and denial and brings it into the bedroom with her. I hope he f---s her angrily, because, because that's how I would. And I've thought about it. It's a political statement I'm trying to make.

DAN SAVAGE: Just so you don't get charges of sexism because only Michele Bachmann was involved, I sometimes think about the f---ing the sh-- out of Rick Santorum, just 'cause I think he needs it. It's not just women we're talking about f---ing. It's like, let's bone that Santorum. I'd go for whipping up some Santorum in Santorum.

Do these sound like the sort of comments that would come from someone wanting to spread peace, love, and understanding?

Savage wants everyone to take the "It Gets Better" pledge.

"Everyone deserves to be respected for who they are. I pledge to spread this message to my friends, family and neighbors. I pledge to spread this message to my friends, family and neighbors. I'll speak up against hate and intolerance whenever I see it, at school and at work."

Clearly, Savage does NOT believe in showing respect. He doesn't speak up against hate and intolerance.

To the contrary, Savage is a purveyor of hate.

Yesterday, Rick Santorum was a guest on the Steve Malzberg Show, responding to Savage's remarks.

Here's audio, from NewsBusters, via Breitbart:

Transcript here.
STEVE MALZBERG, HOST: What’s your reaction to this filth?

RICK SANTORUM: It’s just that. It’s filth. It’s, you know, this man has, has gone out there and tried to destroy my integrity. I mean, you’ve heard the whole issue of the Google issue. That’s Dan Savage. You know, it’s, it’s the lowest, you know, debasement of public discourse. It’s, it’s offensive beyond, you know, anything that any public figure or anybody in America should tolerate, and the mainstream media laughs about it. They, they, they kid about it. They write about it. They say, “Oh, Santorum’s got a Google problem.”

And then when you see this kind of even over the top, you know, not even, beyond that, the Google is worse than, than what he said there. They, they laugh about that, too. Why? Because it’s a liberal beating up on a conservative. And that’s okay. Whether it’s Rick Santorum or Michele Bachmann, it’s the Left making fun of someone who believes in the values that built America. It believes in traditional marriage. How outrageous. How bigoted. How hateful that you actually believe that, that, you know, raising children and, and, and families with mothers and fathers is something to be encouraged. That you’re, that, that, just because you hold those opinions, you are subject to the worst form of, of, of, of vulgarity on the internet, on television, and everywhere else, and they get away with, not only do they get away with the mainstream media, but they are applauded by the mainstream media. They are made, they are celebrated by, as you mentioned, in New York, by taking on these, these people who believe in these outmoded virtues, and, the bottom line is I stand and I wear it as a badge of honor that someone as vulgar and as, and as disgusting and as hate-filled as Dan Savage sees me as public enemy number one. To me, that tells me I must be doing something right.

There's no question that a double standard exists in the liberal media.

Leftists like Savage get a pass when it comes to spewing hate.

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