Anders Behring Breivik
Anders Behring Breivik has been arrested in the deadly Norway attacks.
He's reportedly a "Christian fundamentalist with right-wing tendencies."
Good news for the liberal media!
From Bloomberg:
A 32-year-old Norwegian man was arrested on the island of Utoeya, about 40 kilometers (25 miles) from Oslo, and authorities have begun interrogating the suspect, police said at a press briefing today. The same person is likely behind the bombing and the shootings on the island, they said. The suspect’s name is Anders Behring Breivik, local media reported. Police declined to confirm the suspect’s name.
The man has been charged on two counts of “dangerous crime to society,” which means he could be sentenced to 21 years in prison, Norway’s toughest punishment, Roger Andresen, deputy Oslo police chief, told reporters today. The man is a Christian fundamentalist with right-wing tendencies, Andresen said.
From the Telegraph:
The blond-haired 32-year-old appears to have set up accounts on the social networking sites Facebook and Twitter just a few days ago.
Although police have not officially named Breivik as the suspect, Norwegian media identified him as the gunman. Police say the suspect is talking to police and was keen to "explain himself".
Eyewitness reports from the island of Utoya, where the shootings took place, have also described a tall, blond haired, blue-eyed Norwegian man dressed as a police officer.
On the Facebook page attributed to him, Mr Breivik describes himself as a Christian and a conservative. It listed his interests as hunting, body building and freemasonry. His profile also listed him as single. The page has since been taken down.
Police chief Svinung Sponheim said that internet posting by Breivik suggested he has "some political traits directed toward the right, and anti-Muslim views".
Blond, blue eyes, Right-winger, with anti-Muslim views - Breivik is a dream come true for the lib media!
It just doesn't get better than this!
...The Norwegian newspaper Verdens Gang quoted a friend as saying that the suspect turned to right-wing extremism when in his late 20s. The newspaper also said that he participated in online forums expressing strong nationalistic views.
A Twitter account attributed to the suspect has also emerged but it only has one post, which is a quote from the philosopher John Stuart Mill: "One person with a belief is equal to the force of 100,000 who have only interests."
More, from the New York Daily News:
The killer behind Friday's bloodletting in Norway is a boyishly handsome, blond-haired anti-Islamic nationalist interested in politics, violent video games and the T.V. show "Dexter."
Anders Behring Breivik, a 32-year-old Norwegian national, claims to be a fan of Winston Churchill, classical music, and gory movies like, "300," and "Gladiator," on his Facebook page.
He also claims on the page to be a fan of the sappy HBO vampire drama, "True Blood," and the serial killer show, "Dexter."
Breivik, who was reportedly a Free Mason at one time, has been fingered for the dual attacks that claimed more than 7 lives in the capitol of Oslo, and 80 campers on the island youth retreat of Utoya.
...The shooter belongs to "right-wing circles" in Oslo, the city in which he resides, according to Norwegian TV2. Meanwhile, The Huffington Post cites the Swedish news site Expressen as saying that he is a "self-described nationalist who has also written a number of posts critical of Islam."
He studied at the Oslo Commerce School, an instituion devoted to business and financial management.
In published photos, the alleged killer is shown to don a half smile, preppy clothing, and piercing green eyes that stare into the camera.
...On his Facebook page, Breivik describes himself as a fan of shoot-em'-up video games like "Modern Warefare 2," as well as the fantasy epic, "World of Warcraft."
As more is learned about Breivik and his background, do you think American leaders and officials will bend over backwards to insist that Breivik's horrific rampage is not to be taken as a reflection on Christian fundamentalists or those with conservative views?
Will they warn against a backlash against conservatives?
Will their concern be with people lashing out violently against those with blond hair and blue eyes?
Will they say that the millions of "Modern Warfare" and "World of Warcraft" players should not be considered potential mass murderers?
My guess is no, not a chance.
No way.
Breivik is allegedly a mass murderer, a cold-blooded killer. He allegedly committed heinous acts.
My heart goes out to the families and friends of his victims, and all those affected by the rampage.
Without question, Breivik is to be condemned. This intentional slaughter of innocents is absolutely barbaric. The perpetrator is a monster.
And his profile is what it is.
I just hope that your Mayor Michael Bloomberg types and Leftists in the media emphasize how important it is not to paint blue-eyed (or green-eyed), blond, Christian, conservatives with a broad brush.
Anger over the massacre must not be directed toward blond, blue-eyed conservatives.
Where are the admonitions against profiling the blond and the blue-eyed, the Christian and conservative, the gamers and Winston Churchill admirers?
Inevitable… “Far Left” Links “Right-Wing” Oslo Killer to Palin and Tea Party
Watch Breivik's YouTube video.
Read "An Interview with a Madman: Breivik Asks and Answers His Own Questions."
New York Times Reader Kills Dozens in Norway
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