Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Wisconsin Recalls and Big Labor Money

The MacIver Institute reports that big money for the recall elections is flowing into Wisconsin from national liberal groups and individuals.

In the first eight days of July nearly three million dollars has been sent to Wisconsin by national liberal organizations and individuals, with more than two million dollars coming from large national las key operatives coming from out of state.

Big Labor has now sent more than six million dollars to finance recall efforts in Wisconsin according to a review of campaign finance reports conducted by the MacIver News Service. The figures only account for disbursements reported to the Wisconsin Government Accountability Board; these organizations do not have to report expenditures made for efforts to communicate with their own membership.

The contributions can come in the form of monetary contributions like wire transfers and checks or in-kind contributions. Wisconsin statutes define “in-kind” contributions as a disbursement by a contributor to procure a thing of value or service for the benefit of a registrant who authorized the disbursement.

All told, Big Labor has spent more than $6,419,000 in the recall efforts this year, having delivered $2.2 million to the state since July 1.

The AFL-CIO sent $3,884,170 to the “We are Wisconsin” Super PAC in six monetary disbursements since May, the last one being for $778,431 on July 5.

As previously reported by MNS, The deceptively-named “We are Wisconsin” effort has a decidedly non-Wisconsin infrastructure, with well in excess of 90% of its funds and many of its key operatives coming from out of state.

I don't like the fact that national groups are pouring millions of dollars into Wisconsin.

This is our state government we're talking about, not the U.S. Senate.

Will all this outside influence and cash alter the outcomes of the recall elections?

I don't think so.

True, Big Labor has big influence with Democrats, including Obama.

But all that matters is how the people of Wisconsin vote.

The big money and organizers from out-of-state didn't get JoAnne Kloppenburg elected. They failed.

Next month, Wisconsinites have to go to the polls again to make sure that out-of-state, Leftist interests don't determine our future.

Wisconsin taxpayers need to send a message to Big Labor and the other national Leftist groups infiltrating our state.

The party is over.


The Milwaukee Journal Sentinel reports: Democratic incumbents bring in big bucks.

The Democratic Party, which supplied the information on the Democrats' campaign finance totals, did not furnish details on where the money came from or was spent. That likely will be available Tuesday from the state Government Accountability Board, which has not yet posted the full reports.

Gee, I wonder where the Dems' big bucks came from.

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