Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Ferraro Learns a Lesson about Obama's Skin

The Democrat primary race for the presidency is a joke.

Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton should be talking about issues, not Geraldine Ferraro.

It's absolutely idiotic.

WASHINGTON -- Geraldine Ferraro stepped down Wednesday from an honorary post in Hillary Rodham Clinton's presidential campaign amid a controversy regarding her comments that Barack Obama wouldn't be succeeding in the presidential race if he weren't black.

Ferraro notified Clinton by letter Wednesday that she would no longer serve on Clinton's finance committee as "Honorary New York Leadership Council Chair."

Obama has called Ferraro's comments "ridiculous" and his campaign aides have called on Clinton to denounce the statement.

"I think they were wrong-headed," he said at a Chicago news conference. "The notion that it is a great advantage to me to be an African American named Barack Obama and pursue the presidency, I think, is not a view that has been commonly shared by the general public."

In a letter to Clinton, first reported by CNN, Ferraro says: "Dear Hillary, I am stepping down from your finance committee so I can speak for myself and you can continue to speak for yourself about what's at stake in this campaign. The Obama campaign is attacking me to hurt you. I won't let that happen. Thank you for everything you've done and continue to do to make this a better world for my children and grandchildren. You have my deep admiration and respect, Gerry."

Campaign spokesman Howard Wolfson said Ferraro left the post on her own initiative.

The back-and-forth between the two Democratic trailblazers — Obama, seeking to be the nation's first black president, and Ferraro, who was the first woman on a major party presidential ticket in 1984 — continued for a second day as they made appearances on network and cable morning news programs.

The controversy began when the national media picked up on comments Ferraro made in an interview last week with the Daily Breeze newspaper in Torrance, Calif.: "If Obama was a white man, he would not be in this position. And if he was a woman (of any color) he would not be in this position. He happens to be very lucky to be who he is. And the country is caught up in the concept."

Ferraro said she stands by her assertion that Obama's success in the Democratic campaign is due "in part" to his race.

Obama, however, said that if someone in his campaign had suggested that Hillary Clinton "is where she is only because she is a woman" she would be offended.

I think it's ridiculous that so much time has been spent on Ferraro's comments. I think it's awful that she felt it was necessary for her to step aside.

What do we learn from this episode?

Barack Obama has extremely thin skin.

He gets offended very easily. If you offend him, you must apologize. If you don't beg to be forgiven, if you stand by your remarks, you will be trashed.

The fawning lib media will not allow anyone to offend the thin-skinned Obama.

Regarding Obama, two areas that are strictly off limits and unmentionable:
1. Hussein -- Obama's middle name. Do not say the H-word. It's extremely offensive. It's fear-mongering. You must never speak of his middle name. NEVER.

2. Race -- Do not make reference to Obama's race. It's too dangerous. Speaking of his race puts you at risk of being labeled a racist. Don't mention it unless you are wearing an Obama t-shirt and prepared to faint.

I hope John McCain is paying attention. Obama is skilled at twisting opponents' opinions into unforgivable attacks.

It's going to be very difficult to run against the fragile Obama.


Read the John McCain camp's how-to memo on conducting a "respectful campaign."

Talking points here.

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