Monday, June 13, 2011

Thomas Roberts and LBJ

MSNBC is a train wreck.

MSNBC's Thomas Roberts declared that Lyndon Baines Johnson was NEVER ELECTED president of the United States.

Thomas Roberts, are you smarter than a fifth grader?


This is the same person who mocked Sarah Palin's alleged "flub" about Paul Revere.

Here's video:

Transcript, from NewsBusters:
THOMAS ROBERTS: Texans have a mixed track record in president politics. George W. Bush went two-for-two. While he barely eked out a victory over Al Gore in 2000, relying on the Supreme Court to decide the Florida recount, his victory in 2004 was decisive and he returned with the majority of the popular vote. President Lyndon Johnson was from Texas and he was never actually elected Commander in Chief. As we all know, he was JFK's Vice President, sworn-in as President aboard Air Force One after Kennedy was shot in Dallas. Johnson decided not to run for re-election in '68 as the Vietnam War brought his popularity to an all time low.

Obviously, there were a lot of people involved in this broadcast.

Roberts wasn't the only clueless one. A slew of MSNBCers didn't catch this glaring mistake.

But these are the same people who mercilessly mock Sarah Palin for being stupid.



MSNBC is a train wreck.

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