The thought of a barbaric abortion procedure being banned throws them into a panic.
WASHINGTON -- The Supreme Court said Tuesday it would consider reinstating a federal ban on what opponents call partial-birth abortion, pulling the contentious issue back to the high court on conservative Justice Samuel Alito's first day.
Note the bias -- "what opponents call partial-birth abortion."
The fact is the baby is partially born. It's not opponents who are inaccurately characterizing the procedure; it's the supporters, the ones who believe in delivering a baby except for the head and then stabbing the infant to kill him or her, who are attempting to sanitize what happens.
Alito could well be the tie-breaking vote when the court decides if doctors can be jailed for performing the abortion procedure.
It is the first time the court has considered a federal restriction on abortion, and conservatives said they expect the membership change to affect the outcome.
"This is the frontline abortion case in the country," said Jay Sekulow, chief counsel for the conservative American Center for Law and Justice, who represents members of Congress in the case.
Justices split 5-4 in 2000 in striking down a state law barring the same procedure because it lacked an exception to protect the health of the mother. Justice Sandra Day O'Connor, who was the tie-breaking vote, retired late last month and was replaced by Alito.
Abortion was a major focus in the fight over Alito's nomination, and that of new Chief Justice John Roberts. Neither divulged how he would vote.
Of course, Roberts and Alito didn't "divulge" how they would vote.
How could a justice make a prediction on a judgment without hearing the arguments and being presented with the facts of the case, the specifics?
These AP writers are mouthpieces for the libs. They echo their inanity.
...Congress had voted in 2003 to prohibit the type of abortion, generally carried out in the second or third trimester, in which a fetus is partially removed from the womb and its skull punctured or crushed.
Well, it sounds like the AP accurately describes why opponents call this type of abortion "partial-birth."
It's because the baby IS partially born and definitely alive before the abortionist kills the infant by piercing its little head.
The name fits perfectly.
...While it's not clear how often the procedure is done, nearly nine in 10 abortions are performed in the first three months of pregnancy, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
The 2003 passage followed nearly a decade of attempts by Republican leaders and two vetoes by former President Clinton.
What a legacy! Clinton vetoed a ban on this barbarism -- TWICE!
AP takes pains to note that the majority of abortions occur in the first trimester. The pro-abortion crowd likes to point out that first trimester abortions amount to the removal of globs of formless tissue.
Not true.

These are the feet of a ten-week-old fetus, a first trimester fetus. (Did you know that fetus means "offspring" or "young one"?)
That's not formless tissue.
Now imagine a doctor delivering the feet and body of a third trimester fetus and then stabbing the young one's skull.
Who knows how the Court will rule when the time comes?
Personally, I think it's a stretch to permit such a horrific act in the name of upholding one's right to privacy.
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