Iran's president Mahmoud Ahamdinejad, walks after his speech during a meeting with foreign ambassadors in Tehran, Iran, Monday, Feb. 13, 2006. (AP Photo/Hasan Sarbakhshian)
That problem is Mahmoud Ahmadinejad.
While the American lib media obsess over Dick Cheney's attempt to assassinate Texas attorney Harry Whittington, a madman continues to defy the world.
In spite of pressure to halt or allow the monitoring of its nuclear enrichment activities, Iran has determined that it's in their best interest to spit in the face of world leaders.
TEHRAN, Iran -- Iran notched up the brinksmanship over its disputed nuclear program Monday, abruptly postponing talks with Moscow on a plan to enrich Tehran's uranium on Russian territory to allay fears it is building an atomic weapon.
Diplomats in Europe said Iran had started small-scale enrichment of uranium, a process that can produce fuel for an atomic bomb.
...The talks with Russia had been slated for Thursday but were postponed indefinitely because of the "new situation," said Iranian presidential spokesman Gholamhossein Elham. He was referring to the IAEA's decision this month to report Iran to the U.N. Security Council because of uncertainty over its nuclear intentions.
Iran maintains its nuclear program is designed solely to generate electricity, but the United States and some U.S. allies claim the program is a cover for producing an atomic bomb.
...Also Monday, Tehran issued its third veiled threat in as many days to withdraw from the Nuclear Nonproliferation Treaty.
If the international community does not agree to Iran's right to enrich uranium under the NPT, "there is no reason to continue our current nuclear policy while we are deprived of the positive aspects of the treaty," said a spokesman for President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad.
U.N. Secretary-General Kofi Annan said the NPT allows Iran to develop nuclear energy but not weapons.
"I think the rules are very clear, Iran can develop peaceful ... uses of nuclear energy but not (a) nuclear bomb, and this is what the whole debate is about," Annan told CNN.
I don't know why the hopelessly corrupt and disgraced Annan is still the Secretary-General of the UN. Perhaps it's because the UN is hopelessly corrupt and disgraced; but I digress.
Back to the Iran problem--
The fact is Iran cannot be allowed to be in the nuclear business. Even under strict moderation, it would be the height of irresponsibility for the community of nations to permit madman Mahmoud Ahmadinejad to get his hands on anything nuclear.
Iran has shown that it has no interest in peace and, in my view, has forfeited its right to develop "peaceful uses of nuclear energy."
Mahmoud Ahmadinejad has repeatedly made the goals of Iran known.
Last Saturday, he was on the warpath again.
Tehran (dpa) -- Addressing a mass demonstration in Tehran - one of many organized throughout Iran to commemorate the 27th anniversary of the Islamic revolution - [Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad] once again questioned the Holocaust "fairy tale".
"We ask the West to remove what they created sixty years ago and if they do not listen to our recommendations, then the Palestinian nation and other nations will eventually do this for them," Ahmadinejad said in a ceremony marking the 27th anniversary of the Islamic revolution.
Sure, let this nutcase have a nuclear program. Good idea, Annan.
"Do the removal of Israel before it is too late and save yourself from the fury of regional nations," the ultra-conservative president said. He once again called the Holocaust a "fairy tale" and said Europeans have become hostages of "Zionists" in Israel.
He also accused Europeans for not allowing "neutral scholars" to investigate in Europe and make a scientific report on "the truth about the fairy tale of Holocaust."
What the hell is a "neutral scholar"? An anti-Semitic hatemonger?
"How comes that insulting the prophet of Muslims worldwide is justified within the framework of press freedom, but investigating about the fairy tale Holocaust is not?" Ahmadinejad said.
How come calling for the destruction of Israel is justified as Iran's right within the framework of national sovereignty?
"The real Holocaust is what is happening in Palestine where the Zionists avail themselves of the fairy tale of Holocaust as blackmail and justification for killing children and women and making innocent people homeless," Ahmadinejad said.
This makes me sick.
Why don't the lib media outlets rail against Ahmadinejad for this rhetoric?
Oh, I forgot. It's because their liberal elite buddies in their ivory towers agree with Ahmadinejad.
Why doesn't Hollywood put as much energy into condemning him as they do into speaking out against President Bush?
I'm not sure. It's possible that Hollywood is not a hotbed of foreign policy geniuses after all.
The president said that the results of the parliamentary elections in Palestine and the victory of the Hamas group "clearly showed what the people really want."
Yes, they did show the world what they want. Those peace-loving Palestinians want terrorism and the destruction of Israel.
"You (the West) want democracy but do not respect the outcome," Ahmadinejad said, referring to the election results in Iraq and Palestine.
"It seems that you (the West) only want that form of democracy whose results just repeat your standpoints and only follow your policies," he said.
Ahmadinejad sounds just like a Dem or a lib columnist for the New York Times or Helen Thomas.
...While chanting "Death to America", "Death of Israel" and "Nuclear energy is our undisputable right", the crowd walked toward the Azadi (Freedom) Square in Tehran where Ahmadinejad held his annual speech.
..."The policy of Iran has so far been pursuing nuclear technology within the framework of the NPT and IAEA (International Atomic Energy Agency)," he said.
"But if you (the West) continue efforts to deprive the Iranian nation from this (nuclear) right, then we would reconsider this policy," he warned.
...He also referred to remarks by United States President George W. Bush who had said that the Iranian people were different from the Islamic government in Tehran, saying there was no distinction.
"Look, this is the third generation standing here and they are even more religious, more informed, more enthusiastic and more resistant (than the first generation) to defend the ideals of the revolution," Ahmadinejad said.
Look, this is Jimmy Carter's legacy.
The president also referred to the cartoons and called it a "Zionist plot" against not only Muslims but also those genuinely committed to Christianity and Judaism.
Liar. It was a plot hatched by Muslim militants.
"Those who insulted the prophet should know that you cannot obscure the sun with a handful of dust. The dust will just get back and blind your own eyes," he said.
The crowd replied to his remarks with "Death to Denmark" slogans.
This kind of garbage makes it impossible to believe that Iran's motives to pursue a nuclear program are peaceful.
Anyone gullible enough to swallow Iran's declarations that they intend to use nuclear energy responsibly should not hold a position of leadership.
Kofi Annan is a case in point. This incompetent should be on the fast track out.
There can be no peace with Mahmoud Ahmadinejad at the helm of Iran. It's that simple.
When the official policy of a country is the annihilation of another country, that's a problem.
When a country's president considers a documented historical event like the Holocaust to be a myth, that's a problem.
When the libs in the U.S. media are content to dwell on a hunting ACCIDENT, using it for fodder to attack the Bush Administration, while ignoring REAL threats to our security, that's a problem.
When chairman of the DNC mad Dr. Dean goes on a rampage, pushing lies about President Bush and Vice President Cheney, damaging the country in the name of political opportunism, that's a problem.
Mahmoud Ahmadinejad's promotion of his anti-Semitic agenda is completely unacceptable.
Rather than clamoring for a timeline of Saturday's hunting accident involving Dick Cheney, the lib media should be focusing on Mahmoud Ahmadinejad's Saturday speech.
Why aren't they focusing on Ahmadinejad's timeline for wiping Israel off the map?
Why is Dr. Dean attacking the Bush Administration as the enemy of the American people, rather than citing Ahmadinejad as a grave threat to our safety?
Bottom line:
On national security issues, the Dems are not to be trusted.
Regarding carrying out their duty to accurately inform the public, the lib media are not to be trusted.
On all matters, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad is not to be trusted.
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