This is SO lame and SO typical of Hillary Clinton.
Hill thinks that Karl Rove can't get her out of his mind. In her warped view of reality, he's positively bewitched by her. She's enslaved him.
"Karl and Hillary sitting in a tree..."
This must be the result of all those years of rejection and humiliation she suffered being married to the philanderer-in-chief. She's delusional, fantasizing about fixations that just aren't there.
Why is Hillary imagining the sparks between Rove and her?
On Sunday, Drudge splashed quotes from Bill Sammon's new book, Strategery. Sammon chronicles the inner workings of the Bush White House, including quotes from Bush, Cheney, and top advisers.
In interviews that Sammon conducted for the book, he spoke to Karl Rove about Hillary Clinton. Get that? Sammon asked the questions. Rove answered.
Some quotes from Rove about Hillary:
"She is the dominant player on their side of the slate."
"Anybody who thinks that she’s not going to be the candidate is kidding themselves."
"She has seen what the job requires. And she has been through six gubernatorial campaigns, two presidential campaigns, and then two senatorial campaigns in a big, industrial state. So she will be a formidable campaigner. She’ll be sure-footed."
"For somebody who is philosophically very liberal, she’ll be a very cautious candidate at times. That cautiousness will serve her well a lot of times — not always, but a lot of times."
"For example, her cautiousness had her vote for the Iraq war. Her cautiousness has led her to do things to sort of try to position herself as a centrist."
On Hillary's weaknesses: "her personal philosophy and her brittleness about her."
On Monday during a radio interview, Hillary responded to these quotes with all the conceitedness of a junior high school mean girl.
She bristled that Rove "spends a lot of time obsessing about me."
What a stupid strategery for Hillary to use!
"Rove is obsessed with ME. He spends every waking hour thinking about ME. At night, he falls asleep thinking about ME. He has dreams about ME."
Sure, Hillary. You are the sun in Karl Rove's solar system.
She's more than a little full of herself.
What's makes her response SO silly is that Rove was merely answering Sammon's questions. That's no different than Hillary responding to a question about Rove. Because Hillary spoke of Rove, are we to conclude that she is obsessed with him?
As to be expected, the New York Times tries to justify Hillary's goofy comments.
Jennifer Medina writes:
Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton took a swipe at the White House on Monday, saying that Karl Rove, the president's political adviser, "spends a lot of time obsessing about me."
Mrs. Clinton's comments came during an interview with an Albany radio station, after she was asked about a new book that quotes Mr. Rove as saying she is certain to be the Democratic presidential candidate in 2008.
"I don't know where he gets his information from," Mrs. Clinton said of Mr. Rove during the interview on WROW-AM. "If I were thinking about this, I'd say, 'Why are they spending so much time talking about me?' "
...Republicans, Mrs. Clinton said, are hoping "that all of their missteps, which are now numbering in the hundreds, are going to somehow be overlooked because people, instead of focusing on the '06 election, will jump ahead and think about the next one," she said during the radio interview.
That's just laughable. The War on Terror, the economy, energy, education, healthcare -- they all take a back seat to thoughts of Hillary.
A spokeswoman for the Republican National Committee, Tracey Schmitt, said, "Senator Clinton would be better served if she spent less time flattering herself with perceived obsession and more time focusing on her job."
That is such a great response. It perfectly highlights how self-absorbed Queen Hillary is.
The Times story then goes into Rove's communications with potential candidates to challenge Hillary for the Senate, as if that provides some evidence for Hillary's claims of obsession.
It's hardly obsessive behavior for the Architect to discuss Senate races.
Hillary would have been much better off if she had kept her mouth shut.
Her "swipe" at the White House did not make her appear very presidential. Her Karl Rove fantasies are an embarrassment.
This "obsessed with me" stuff is right up there with her other greatest hits:
"I'm not sitting here as some little woman standing by my man like Tammy Wynette." (1992)
"I suppose I could have stayed home and baked cookies and had teas." (1992)
Genius Hillary certainly says some really stupid things.
By the way, the photo of Hillary isn't actually her. It's Hillary as immortalized in Madame Tussauds' wax museum.
You couldn't tell the difference, right?
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