The golden-domed Askariya Shrine, in February 2004, housed the tombs of two revered leaders of Shiite Islam and symbolized the place where the Imam Mahdi, a mythical, messianic figure, disappeared from this earth.

The dome of the Golden Mosque at the revered Shrine in Samarra, Iraq, lies in ruins after a bomb was detonated inside.
Good news for the far Left!
The threat of civil war in Iraq grew with the latest violence.
Remember, when the Iraqi people suffer, when hope for establishing a democracy hits obstacles, the radical Left leaps for joy. Their hate for Bush trumps all else.
Let's be honest. The far Left loons are so immersed in their anti-Bush Administration agenda that setbacks in Iraq makes them happy.
I'm sure that the saner of the Leftists feel some discomfort when they hear of the deaths and destruction befalling Iraqis; but many view the Iraqis' pain as their gain.
It's no surprise that certified nutjob Mahmoud Ahmadinejad has weighed in on the demolition of the Askariya Shrine, blaming Americans and Israelis.
Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, the Iranian president, says the US and Israel blew up the Shia shrine in Iraq.
In a speech in front of a crowd of thousands in southwestern Iran, the president referred to the destruction of the Askariya mosque's golden dome in Samarra on Wednesday.
Of the US-led forces in Iraq, Ahmadinejad said: "They invade the shrine and bomb there because they oppose God and justice. These passive activities are the acts of a group of defeated Zionists and occupiers who intended to hit our emotions."
Addressing the US, he said: "You have to know that such an act will not save you from the anger of Muslim nations."
Ahmadinejad was not the only extremist to blame America.
Some Muslim leaders and the Lebanese Hizb Allah organisation blamed the United States.
Shaikh Youssef al-Qaradawi, a leader Sunni scholar, said: "We cannot imagine that the Iraqi Sunnis did this. No one benefits from such acts other than the US occupation and the lurking Zionist enemy."
Iraqi Shia leader, Muqtada al-Sadr, who cut short a visit to Lebanon to return to Iraq after the blast, said blame must be laid either with the Americans or the Iraqi government.
Al-Sadr added: "If responsibility is not in the hands of the Iraqi government, then I consider the responsibility for this event lies with the occupation forces which should either leave immediately or according to a timetable."
These "blame America" voices sound a lot like the Dems.
Shaikh Youssef al-Qaradawi's comments easily could have been made by Cindy Sheehan or Malik Zulu Shabazz.
Muqtada al-Sadr's words could have been uttered by John Murtha or John Kerry or Russ Feingold or Ted Kennedy or Howard Dean.
Add Osama bin Laden to that list, too.
Civil war in Iraq only benefits the enemies of freedom.
Failure in Iraq may give Dems a political edge over Republicans, but not a moral one.
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