It's a conglomeration of the looniest ideas and hate-filled notions that the Left has to offer.
Politically speaking, the weirder the Dems appear to normal Americans, the better it is for Republicans.
I don't view the world in purely political terms, as if it's a game and all about posturing and scoring points. If I did, I'd be thrilled with Michael Moore and his allies.
Instead, I find much of what spokesman of the Left Moore has to say to be so ugly and so divisive that I can't begin to think of it as advantageous.
Currently on his site are two things that are worth mentioning.
First, Moore's reaction to Vice President Cheney's hunting accident is disgusting.

Moore links to a CNN story reporting the minor heart attack that Harry Whittington suffered as a result of a "roughly 5 mm piece of shot [becoming] lodged in or alongside Whittington's heart muscle, causing the organ's upper two chambers to beat irregularly."
Clearly, Moore is aware of the seriousness of Whittington's condition, yet he ponders, "If they waited 14 hours to tell us Cheney shot a man, how long would they wait to tell us the man is dead?"
Moore seems to be salivating over the thought of Whittington being dead. That's beyond tasteless. It borders on the diabolical, really sick stuff.
Do Dems believe that Moore is doing them any favors?
If the Dems do think that Moore is an asset, they're mistaken. Mainstream Americans don't want to align themselves with such a radical wacko.
Another highlight on Moore's homepage is an invitation to join a demonstration aimed at former First Lady Barbara Bush.
View the flyer.

Sunday, February 19th, 7:00 PM: Join Cindy Sheehan and the Gold Star Families For Peace for an evening PEACE RALLY in The Woodlands, Texas!
Monday, February 20th, 4:00 to 7:00 PM: President's Day Tea Party for Barbara Bush; "HER SON LIED...OUR SONS DIED!"
Why target an eighty-year-old woman?
These people are sick.
Remember, these extremists are calling the shots. They are determining the direction of the Democratic Party.
Do you think the majority of Americans agree with them?

I don't.
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