Three things are certain in life -- death, taxes, and Tom Daschle will not be the 2008 Dem nominee for president.
Whenever I read a report about Tom Daschle flirting with the thought of making a run for the presidency in 2008, I think that he must suffering from some sort of disorder.
It is irrational for him to think that he has even a snowball's chance in hell of being successful in any primary, including South Dakota.
It's not going to happen. No way. Anyone believing otherwise is disconnected from reality, and possibly clinically delusional.
ABERDEEN, S.D. (AP) -- Former Senate Democratic leader Tom Daschle, accusing the GOP of spreading a message of fear, says he is considering a 2008 presidential bid.
"I haven't ruled anything out or anything in at this point," Daschle said in an interview Saturday night after a hometown dinner in his honor.
"I'm encouraged by the strong support many people have voiced for my candidacy around the country and in South Dakota. I'll make a decision at some point later on this year," he said.
I find it very hard to believe that "many" people are encouraging Daschle to run.
Daschle said President Bush and Republicans have overemphasized the importance of the war on terror, and he said the U.S. is no safer now than it was before the Iraq invasion.
Is that supposed to mean that Daschle wouldn't give priority to the war on terror?
It's importance cannot be overemphasized.
Does Daschle have short term memory problems?
At the time of the 9/11 attacks, he was still a senator. He hadn't been booted out of office yet. Daschle should know better than to diminish the seriousness of the war on terror.
"This country is not more secure when a president infers that he is above the law and can wiretap and eavesdrop on average citizens," he said. "We're not more secure when we turn ports over to foreign countries."
He's echoing the tired talking points that the other Dems have been using -- just the same old negativity and fear mongering. In those two sentences, Daschle managed to spell out the Dems' entire message. Actually, it's a good summation. The Dems have no solutions, only criticism. They are the party of retreat and defeat.
It's not as if Daschle has anything fresh to bring to the party. He has nothing positive to offer, no vision, no ideas.
What would cause any Dem to look to Daschle to lead the party to victory in 2008?
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