On Sunday night's Dateline, NBC will air an interview that Matt Lauer did with Michael Schiavo. That's not all. Schiavo will appear live on Today the following morning, and with his wife on Tuesday, March 28.
Schiavo's new book, Terri: The Truth, is set for release on March 27.
To hawk the book, Schiavo will be on NBC for three straight days. And, for the first time, Jodi Centonze, Schiavo's current wife, will break her silence and go before the cameras.
Isn't it remarkable that the book comes out just four days before the first anniversary of Terri's death?
What a coincidence! It's amazing how it worked out.
There is something very unseemly about Schiavo doing a media blitz at this time. It seems so crass and insensitive.
The first anniversary of a loved one's death can be so difficult. I can't help but think of Terri's parents and her brother and sister having to endure Schiavo's exploitation during this very painful week.
NBC isn't innocent. The network is capitalizing on Terri's death, as well as adding to the family's suffering.
NBC has a tease of the interview on its website.
His effort to end life support for his brain-damaged wife divided a nation. Now, Michael Schiavo and his new wife open up to Matt Lauer
Are you bothered by this? I am.
Now, one year later, Michael Schiavo — the man who was praised by some, and vilified by others — and his new wife, Jodi, sit down for their first network interview with NBC News’ Matt Lauer to tell their side of the story.
On his book, "Terri: The Truth"
Matt Lauer, NBC News: I guess you could’ve written a book to honor Terri. After reading it, it’s not really the book you wrote. This is a book that in some ways settles some scores, doesn’t it?
Michael Schiavo: Oh yes it does.
Lauer: You did think about writing that a book that honored Terri?
Schiavo: Oh yes. Many times. I mean this book does honor Terri in a way. It sets her free. It tells the truth.
"It sets her free"?
That's disgusting. A book that "settles some scores" and slams Terri's loving family cannot be seen as honoring her. It's a completely selfish exercise.
On his marriage to Jodi
Lauer: People have often asked. Michael why didn’t you divorce Terri, you were living with Jodi.
Michael Schiavo: Why do I have to divorce Terri? Terri wasn’t like a football— an inanimate object you pass back and forth. She was my wife. You mean because your wife gets sick, do you give her back?
Jodi Schiavo: I would think so much less of Michael had he walked away from her. That is one of the qualities in him that I so admire. That up against everything...he stuck by her...
This makes me nauseous. It really does.
When your wife gets sick, of course you don't give her back. You also don't start dating, live with another woman, and have two kids.
For the new Mrs. Schiavo to say that she admires the way Michael Schiavo stuck by Terri is nuts. He didn't stick by her. Setting up a home and starting a family with another woman is not "sticking by her."
Walking away would have been the honorable thing to do. Divorce would have been the right thing, not adultery.
On his decision not to let Terri’s brother in the hospital room to say a final goodbye
Schiavo: I didn’t want the animosity. I didn’t want the feelings. I didn’t want the aura that Bobby and I, you know, we hate each other.
Lauer: Do you think, Michael, in that last minute, Bobby’s in the hallway; he wants to come in—her brother. You’re walking into the room. Did you stop and think, "What would Terri want?" Would she want her brother or sister?
Schiavo: I’m sure Terri would want the families to get along and be happy. But it didn’t happen. I had to get to Terri. I had seconds then. Seconds. I got into her room, and I could see that she’d changed, like that.
If anyone had any doubts about Schiavo's character, this incident with Bobby should have settled all.
Reread Schiavo's comments --
"I didn’t want the animosity. I didn’t want the feelings. I didn’t want the aura that Bobby and I, you know, we hate each other. "
It's all about him, totally self-centered.
To keep Bobby from his sister's side at her moment of death was heartless beyond words.
Pro-Life Blogs has a transcript of a September 1999 deposition that discloses Schiavo's selfishness and his disregard for the feelings of Terri's family.
Q. Have you considered turning the guardianship over to Mr. and Mrs. Schindler?
SCHIAVO: No, I have not.
Q. And why?
SCHIAVO: I think that's pretty self explanatory.
Q. I'd like to hear your answer.
SCHIAVO: Basically I don't want to do it.
Q. And why don't you want to do it?
SCHIAVO: Because they put me through pretty much h*** the last few years.
Q. And can you describe what you mean by h***?
SCHIAVO: The litigations they put me through.
Q. Any other specifics besides the litigation?
SCHIAVO: Just their attitude towards me because of the litigations. There is no other reason. I'm Terri's husband and I will remain guardian.
Obviously, Schiavo was waiting a LONG time to settle some scores. Now, he has.
Terri's family wouldn't give up. They did all that they could to save her, and Schiavo hated them for it. But, Schiavo accomplished his goals. He had Terri dehydrated and starved to death, against the wishes of her family.
A year later, he's still causing them anguish.
I honestly don't know how he can live with himself.
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