Tonight, he was Charlie Rose's guest.
Why didn't I change channels? It's like a train wreck. I had to look.
I came in on the show about fifteen minutes into it. I only saw half of Feingold's segment.
Paraphrasing, here is some of what Russ had to say:
- Iraq is in a state of civil war.
- The Administration hasn't given Iran the attention it deserves. The current U.S. Iraq policy has made us weak because of all the terrible mistakes that Bush has made. As a result, the threat we pose to Iran is less credible.
- Hamas needs to renounce their intent to destroy Israel. He does not believe that Hamas has a right to be treated like a "normal government."
- You can't fault Israel for erecting the fence. Hopefully, it's a temporary measure.
- Rose asked, "Does the label 'Hillary Slayer' fit?" He responded that he would only run if he felt that he was the right person, not to stop somebody else.
- Blah, blah, blah.
I got the feeling that even Feingold is getting sick of hearing himself talk. He looked tired, with bags under his eyes. He must be exhausted. He's done more media in the past week than he has since Wisconsin voters sent him to the Senate in 1992.
Here are some direct quotes from Feingold:
- "I don't believe either Hillary or John McCain would have invaded Iraq."
- "If I decide to run, there's no way I'm running as a protest candidate."
- "I think Hillary is ready to be president."
Yes, he said it -- he spoke glowingly of Hillary. Is Feingold positioning himself for VP? Maybe.
Is he driving me crazy? Absolutely.
What's he doing for the people of Wisconsin? I just see him doing a lot for himself -- everywhere, all the time.
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