The dishonorable Senator Russ Feingold on ABC's This Week
Mc-Car-thy-ism (n.)
1. The practice of publicizing accusations of political disloyalty or subversion with insufficient regard to evidence.
2. The use of unfair investigatory or accusatory methods in order to suppress opposition.
Fein-gold-ism (n.)
1. The practice of whoring; compromising one's principles for personal political gain.
2. The use of unfair accusatory methods in order to garner support from Left-wing moonbats.
In my opinion, Russ Feingold has been a total and utter embarrassment to the state of Wisconsin for years.
However, his interview with George Stephanopoulos on ABC's This Week pushed him over the edge from being an embarrassment to being a colossal disgrace.
Not since Joe McCarthy moved from acting with reasonable concern to engaging in a witch hunt in the 1950s, have Wisconsinites been forced to endure such shameful representation in the U.S. Senate.
In a way, Feingold's latest whoring maneuver is worse than what McCarthy did.
Feingold is so self-absorbed that he is taking steps that are not outlined in the U.S. Constitution. The only form of punishment for a president provided by the Constitution is impeachment. Censure is used by the House and the Senate to punish its own members.
Yes, in 1834, the Senate voted to censure Andrew Jackson.
Read the account of Jackson's censure.
Long story short, "in an unprecedented and never-repeated tactic," Whig Party forces censured Jackson when he refused to hand over a document.
"After a ten-week debate, the Senate voted 26 to 20 to censure the president for assuming power not conferred by the Constitution. Jackson responded with a lengthy protest denying the validity of the Senate's action. In another unprecedented move, the Senate responded by refusing to print the president's message in its journal.
"...By January 1837, having regained the majority, Senate Democrats voted to remove this stain from the record of an old and sick president just weeks from his retirement. With boisterous ceremony, the handwritten 1834 Journal was borne into the mobbed chamber and placed on the secretary's table. The secretary took up his pen, drew black lines around the censure text, and wrote "Expunged by the order of the Senate." The chamber erupted in Democratic jubilation and a messenger was dispatched to deliver the expunging pen to Jackson."
Tomorrow, this "never-repeated tactic" of censuring a president is going to be attempted by the contemptible Feingold.
For Feingold to seek to repeat this previously "never-repeated tactic," DURING WARTIME, is unconscionable.
The Associated Press reports:
"What the president did, by consciously and intentionally violating the Constitution and the laws of this country with this illegal wiretapping, has to be answered," Feingold said on ABC's "This Week."
...The resolution Feingold planned to introduce on Monday would have the Senate condemn Bush's "unlawful authorization of wiretaps of Americans within the United States" and "his efforts to mislead the American people about the authorities relied upon by his administration to conduct wiretaps and about the legality of the program."
"The idea that the president can just make up the law in violation of his oath of office has to be answered," Feingold said.
ABC offers some more of Feingold's reprehensible words:
"This conduct is right in the strike zone of the concept of high crimes and misdemeanors," said Feingold, D-Wis., a three-term senator and potential presidential contender.
He said President Bush had, "openly and almost thumbing his nose at the American people," continued the NSA domestic wiretap program.
..."We, as a Congress, have to stand up to a president who acts like the Bill of Rights and the Constitution were repealed on Sept 11, [2001]," Feingold said.
You can watch the video here. (Warning: Viewing the video may be disturbing. It made me nauseous.)
Feingold knows that the only chance he has of getting any attention as a remotely viable presidential candidate in 2008 is by pandering to the extremists on the Left.
Here is his press release announcing his despicable plan.
"The President must be held accountable for authorizing a program that clearly violates the law and then misleading the country about its existence and its legality,” Feingold said. “The President’s actions, as well as his misleading statements to both Congress and the public about the program, demand a serious response. If Congress does not censure the President, we will be tacitly condoning his actions, and undermining both the separation of powers and the rule of law."
..."This issue is not about whether the government should be wiretapping terrorists – of course it should, and it can under current law" Feingold said. "But this President and this Administration decided to break the law and they have yet to give a convincing explanation of why their actions were necessary, appropriate, or legal. Passing more laws will not change the fact that the President broke the ones already in place and for that, Congress must hold him accountable."
This issue is solely about Feingold, a political opportunist of the worst sort. It makes me sick.
I am thoroughly disgusted by his actions. He is disgracing the people of Wisconsin and sullying their decency as he pursues his self-centered quest for power.
Personally, I think the Senate should consider the censure of Russ Feingold for his work to undermine national security and the safety of the American people.
He could then take his rightful place alongside Joe McCarthy as a censured Wisconsin senator.
I'd also like to know where the other Wisconsin senator, Herb Kohl, stands on Feingold's resolution. He's up for re-election in 2006 and already running campaign commercials. At this point, Kohl has no opponent, but that's not stopping "moneybags" Kohl from running TV spots.
I think it would be unwise for Kohl to support Feingold on his censure scheme. Kohl has managed to keep his Senate seat because he passes himself off as somewhat of a moderate; but his recent voting record is making that facade more difficult to maintain. Kohl can't afford to look increasingly loony.
The Republican Party of Wisconsin absolutely must put up formidable candidates to unseat the immoderate, ineffective Kohl and the self-indulgent, radical Feingold.
Even if you're lucky enough to not be represented by Feingold, let him know what you think about his unquestionably selfish, ignominious stunt.He does want to be your president.
Feingold contact information
Washington, DC
506 Hart Senate Office Building
Washington, DC 20510-4904
(202) 224-5323
TDD (202) 224-1280
Fax (202) 224-2725
1600 Aspen Commons
Middleton, WI 53562-4716
(608) 828-1200
TDD (608) 828-1215
Fax (608) 828-1203
517 East Wisconsin Ave., Room 408
Milwaukee, WI 53202-4504
(414) 276-7282
Fax (414) 276-7284
La Crosse
425 State St., Room 225
La Crosse, WI 54601-3341
(608) 782-5585
Firstar Plaza
401 5th St., Room 410
Wausau, WI 54403
(715) 848-5660
Green Bay
1640 Main Street
Green Bay, WI 54302-2639
(920) 465-7508
Better yet, contact your senators and recommend that they move to censure Russ Feingold.
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