Friday, March 24, 2006

Weiner Cuts a Deal

Some news from the Dems' Culture of Corruption:

WASHINGTON (AP) -- A former Democratic staffer pleaded guilty today to computer fraud for snooping on Lt. Gov. Michael S. Steele.

Under the plea agreement in U.S. District Court, Lauren B. Weiner, 25, avoids jail time, but she has a year to do 150 hours of community service.

Steele -- a Republican running for U.S. Senate -- was notified by Democrats in Washington that a staffer used Steele's Social Security number to obtain his credit report last year. Weiner was fired from the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee after the breach was discovered.

Why is Chuck Schumer, the chairman of the DSCC, never mentioned in the Weiner story?

How can one possibly write about this incident without mentioning the chairman of that committee? The illegal activity took place on Schumer's watch.

Weiner sought the Social Security number of Maryland Lt. Gov. Michael S. Steele and U.S. Senate candidate and used it to access his credit report and personal financial records. That's not an "Oops, it was an honest mistake" sort of thing.

Read the statement of the offense.

You'll see just how egregious her actions were. She set up a fake email account and answered a series of questions to impersonate Steele, all to obtain his financial information.

I don't think community service, even 150 hours, is a severe enough punishment.

As far as the Schumer connection goes, I don't think there's some sort of coverup and he personally instructed Weiner to break the law.

HOWEVER, if a prominent Republican chaired a committee and a staffer was involved in such immoral, illegal tactics, that Republican would be crucified.

The Dems talked like President Bush personally put the Abu Ghraib prisoner on a leash; yet Chuckie's chairmanship isn't included in these Weiner updates.

This AP report is another example of its lib bias.

this partisan hit piece from the Associated Press. It's not an opinion column. It's the AP's idea of news. Unbelievable.

The Associated Press, ABC, Dick Gregory, Helen Thomas... Every day the lib media look worse and worse.

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