He definitely could benefit from some anger management training.
From The Politico:
Rep. Dave Obey (D-Wis.) is at it again. He’s already been captured on “YouTube” denouncing “idiot liberals” over the war.
Tuesday he went a step further. He offended some fellow Democrats with delicate ears when he used extremely strong language to attack anti-war Rep. Dennis Kucinich (D-Ohio), during a House Democratic caucus meeting, according to sources who were in the room.
“He cursed at him,” said Rep. Maxine Waters (D-Calif.). “I think Mr. Obey was unfairly harsh and disrespectful."
What exactly was said is still in question. One source wasn’t sure and others wouldn’t repeat the language.
But everyone agrees that Obey said something that some folks found offensive. The Obey-Kucinich exchange came during a caucus meeting to discuss the Iraq supplemental spending bill.
Here's Obey's explosion that became public in March.
I wish a congressman or page had whipped out a cell phone and recorded the latest exchange for posterity.
You know if Maxine Waters was offended by Obey it had to be pretty bad.
...Kucinich asked Obey about language dealing with privatization of Iraqi oil. Obey’s reply included some magic words, which prompted Rep. Diane E. Watson (D-Calif.) to declare that she was not attending the meeting to hear such vulgarity.
House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) attempted to make peace, but some still were not satisfied.
Finally, an astute observer of Congressional behavior declared that if you haven’t had a certain part of your anatomy ripped by Dave Obey, you were not a member of Congress.
I didn't know that Obey had such a storied reputation for vulgarity.
He's a powder keg.
Rather than trying to make peace, Pelosi's motherly, disciplinarian side should have kicked in. She should have glared at Obey and put him in time-out.
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